What does your BootstrapperCore.config file look like? Does it correctly
indicate the v2 NETFX should be used?
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:18 AM, Igor Brejc <igor.br...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a simple problem: I've written a managed bootstrapper (WiX v3.6)
> written in .NET 2.0. On my developer machine (I have .NET 2.0 up to 4.0
> installed), everything works fine - my bootstrapper runs and installs.
> Now I'm testing in on an Win XP (with only .NET 2.0 installed), I always
> get the "Microsoft .NET Framework Required..." screen. I've tried different
> things, like:
>    - Using RegistrySearch to find the .NET 2.0 key and then using this as a
>    condition in ExePackage. The key is there in the registry.
>    - Using standard properties like NETFRAMEWORK20 as conditions.
>    - Playing with .exe.config file, setting thinks
>    like supportedRuntime, supportedFramework, runtimeVersion etc.
> I've been really struggling with this, read through all of the docs,
> googled for it, tried a million things, and none of them seem to work -
> .NET 2.0 doesn't seem to get detected. All the samples I found on the web
> use .NET 3.5 or 4.0 as an example and I cannot get it work with 2.0.
> So my questions are:
>    1. What is the right procedure for setting .NET 2.0 as a minimum
>    requirement? The minimum bare essentials in the .WXS, .config etc?
>    2. Alternatively: is there a way to turn off the whole .NET detection
>    thing in the bootstrapper?
> Any help would be _greatly_ appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Igor Brejc
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