Obviously. Please file a bug so the next person benefits.
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Robert MacFadyen <rmacfad...@rmtrack.com>wrote:

> Hey all,
> More details...
> The problem seems to be restricted to <RegistryKey ..> elements with a
> child
> <util:PermisionEx ..>.
> Here's some pre 3.6 code that was fine:
> <Component Id="RegistryValues" Guid="{.. hah ...}">
>   <RegistryKey Action="create" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\blah\blah">
>     <util:PermissionEx User="Administrators" GenericAll="yes"  />
>     <util:PermissionEx User="[My_USERID]" Domain="[My_DOMAIN]"
> GenericAll="yes" />
>     <util:PermissionEx User="NetworkService" GenericAll="yes" />
>   </RegistryKey>
> </Component>
> This generates the following warning:
> The RegistryKey/@Action attribute has been deprecated.  In most cases, you
> can simply omit @Action.  If you need to force Windows Installer to create
> an empty key or recursively delete the key, use the ForceCreateOnInstall or
> ForceDeleteOnUninstall attributes instead.
> Believing the "In most cases, you can simply omit @Action." I removed
> action:
> <Component Id="RegistryValues" Guid="{.. hah ...}">
>   <RegistryKey Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\blah\blah">
>     <util:PermissionEx User="Administrators" GenericAll="yes"  />
>     <util:PermissionEx User="[MyUSERID]" Domain="[MyDOMAIN]"
> GenericAll="yes" />
>     <util:PermissionEx User="NetworkService" GenericAll="yes" />
>   </RegistryKey>
> </Component>
> And bang... I get the error "Cannot set column 'SecureObject' with a null
> value because this is a required field".
> Adding ForceCreateOnInstall="yes" resolves the problem.
> It would be nice if exceptions that occur during parsing/compiling/linking
> were trapped and reported better. It took a lot of effort to track down
> that
> the problem was caused by a simple change to remove a warning (a change
> that
> was explicitly recommend by the warning message itself).
> Regards,
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert MacFadyen [mailto:rmacfad...@rmtrack.com]
> Sent: October-15-12 10:35 PM
> To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Just upgraded to v3.6.3303.0 and now can't
> build...
> Runing the candle command from a command line window yields additional
> exception output. As a side note, any ideas why wouldn't the exception
> details be captured as part of the build output when invoked from VS2010
> (sure would have saved me a ton of time)?
> Here's the output:
> Exception Type: System.InvalidOperationException
> Stack Trace:
>    at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.ColumnDefinition.ValidateValue(Object
> value)
>    at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Extensions.UtilCompiler.ParsePermissio
> nExElement(XmlNode node, String objectId, String componentId, Boolean
> win64,
> Str ing tableName)
>    at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Extensions.UtilCompiler.ParseElement(S
> ourceLineNumberCollection sourceLineNumbers, XmlElement parentElement,
> XmlElemen t element, String& keyPath, String[] contextValues)
>    at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Extensions.UtilCompiler.ParseElement(S
> ourceLineNumberCollection sourceLineNumbers, XmlElement parentElement,
> XmlElemen t element, String[] contextValues)
>    at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.CompilerCore.ParseExtensionElement(Sou
> rceLineNumberCollection sourceLineNumbers, XmlElement parentElement,
> XmlElement element, String[] contextValues)
>    at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Compiler.ParseRegistryKeyElement(XmlNo
> de node, String componentId, Int32 root, String parentKey, Boolean
> win64Componen t, String& possibleKeyPath)
>    at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Compiler.ParseComponentElement(XmlNode
>  node, ComplexReferenceParentType parentType, String parentId, String
> parentLang uage, Int32 diskId, String directoryId, String srcPath)
>    at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Compiler.ParseDirectoryRefElement(XmlN
> ode node)
>    at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Compiler.ParseFragmentElement(XmlNode
> node)
>    at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Compiler.ParseWixElement(XmlNode
> node)
>    at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Compiler.Compile(XmlDocument
> source)
>    at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Tools.Candle.Run(String[] args)
> So... it looks like perhaps the problem is in ParsePemissionExElement.
> Assuming this is complaining about <util:PermissionsEx ...> element I'm
> left
> little better off. I use this in quite a few places and they all follow the
> same pattern:
> <util:PermissionEx User="Guests" GenericRead="yes" Read="yes"
> GenericExecute="yes" />
> <util:PermissionEx User="Users" GenericRead="yes" Read="yes"
> GenericExecute="yes" />
> <util:PermissionEx User="Everyone" GenericRead="yes" Read="yes"
> GenericExecute="yes" />
> <util:PermissionEx User="Administrators" GenericAll="yes" />
> <util:PermissionEx User="CREATOR OWNER" GenericAll="yes" />
> Commenting out every <util:PermissionEx ..> element allows the build to
> succeed.
> Adding back a single <util:PermissionEx User="Administrators"
> GenericAll="yes" /> causes the build to fail with the " Cannot set column
> 'SecureObject' with a null value because this is a required field" error.
> I have a reference to util (C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
> v3.6\bin\\WixUtilExtension.dll) and I have included the namespace:
> <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";
>      xmlns:util="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension";
> >
> Has <util:PermissionEx ..> been dropped from 3.6?
> Any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert MacFadyen [mailto:rmacfad...@rmtrack.com]
> Sent: October-15-12 9:53 PM
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] Just upgraded to v3.6.3303.0 and now can't build...
> Hey all,
> Just upgraded and tried to rebuild my VS2010 wix project. Cleaned up a few
> warnings and now it compiles clean... _except_ for the following error:
> candle.exe(0,0): error CNDL0001: Cannot set column 'SecureObject' with a
> null value because this is a required field.
> The error output leaves a lot to be desired:
> 1.       What source file is causing this?
> 2.       What table does the column belong too?
> The full candle command is (some names changed to protect the innocent):
> candle.exe -sw1008 -sw1009 -v -dConfiguration=Release -dOutDir=bin\Release\
> -dPlatform=x86 -d"ProjectDir=C:\..snip..\MyProject\\" -dProjectExt=.wixproj
> -dProjectFileName=MyProject.wixproj -dProjectName=MyProject
> -d"ProjectPath=C:\ ..snip..\MyProject.wixproj" -d"TargetDir=C:\
> .....snip..\MyProject\bin\Release\\" -dTargetExt=.msi
> -dTargetFileName=MyProject.msi -dTargetName=MyProject -d"TargetPath=C:\
> .....snip..\MyProject\bin\Release\MyProject.msi" -out obj\Release\ -arch
> x86
> -ext "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.6\bin\\WixNetFxExtension.dll"
> -ext "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.6\bin\\WixUtilExtension.dll"
> -ext "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.6\bin\\WixUIExtension.dll" -ext
> "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.6\bin\\WixIIsExtension.dll"
> Application.wxs CustomDialogs.wxs ErrorText.wxs Files.wxs
> MicrosoftAssemblies.wxs MyAssemblies.wxs MyCustomActionDefinitions.wxs
> MyEventLog.wxs MyRegistry.wxs
> I've been through every <Property ..> element and removed Secure="yes" but
> this has not helped.
> I've reviewed this bug: http://sourceforge.net/p/wix/bugs/2941/  and its
> original posting
> (
> http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/MSI-projects-
> fail-to-build-after-upgrading-to-v3-6-2914-0-td7559640.html<http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/MSI-projects-fail-to-build-after-upgrading-to-v3-6-2914-0-td7559640.html>)
> but my project
> is not suppressing .wixpdb output (even tried turning it on and then off).
> Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to move past this
> problem?
> Any suggestions on how to gather more output from candle to get a clue as
> to
> the origin of the problem?
> Thanks!
> Rob
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   Rob Mensching
   http://RobMensching.com LLC
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