> -----Original Message-----
> From: Igor Brejc [mailto:igor.br...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 20. oktober 2012 20:04
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting started writing a custom Bootstrapper
> interface
> Hi,
> Some more pointers from me. I've implemented a custom managed
> bootstrapper using WinForms. The GUI actually looks pretty much the
> same as the standard MSI setup wizard, but implemented with custom
> C# code using MVP
> (model-view-presenter) pattern. This enables me to unit-test the wizard
> without actually running the installation.
> I've also "hidden" the WiX bootstrapper engine behind an adapter
> interface (I called it IInstallEngine). This way I can run the wizard as a
> "normal"
> Windows Forms application and click through it (again, without the need
> to run the actual Windows installation), since in that mode the wizard
> uses a mocked implementation of IInstallEngine. I just simply added the
> static Main method which has the similar logic to the Run().
> (Note to Rob: perhaps it would be a good idea to change the design of
> the managed bootstrapper so that it works with interfaces instead of
> concrete implementations, this would be really helpful for unit testing
> and simulation).

I absolutely agree with this point. It would be very helpful to have
interfaces defined for BootstrapperApplication containing the events
it exposes, as well as for the Engine class. It's nigh impossible to do unit
tests on the interface classes without this step. I've created my own, but
that feels kind of hacky.

I would file a feature request, but the sourceforge website seems to be
throwing Error 500s right now.

> The wizard has one added feature: a debug window which can be turned
> on through the command line and displays all the install log messages
> directly in the setup wizard.
> The documentation for the managed BS is pretty scarce, so I had to look
> into WiX's source code and do a lot of trials and errors to get to this point
> (and I still have some issues to work through).

Pretty much what I had to do too. I really hope the documentation situation
is going to improve before the 3.7 release, because right now it's kind of
ridiculous. I feel like I just have wishful thinking and half-truths to go on 
many times during the development process things broke because my
assumptions (based on what I could glean from source code and random
postings) were not correct. I'm kind of worrying about what's going to break
next due to something that is not obvious from the source code.
> Best regards,
> Igor Brejc
Daniel E. Bruce

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