I see the problem, what you would probably need is a close application function 
within the bootstrapper - not something that is available today (may be add it 
as a feature request). 

Not pretty but you could block the install if Outlook is running (not entirely 
sure how to detect that) and get the user to shut it down before the install 
will run.


-----Original Message-----
From: Georg von Kries [mailto:g...@creativbox.net] 
Sent: 23 October 2012 10:19
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Burn and Files in Use / Restart Manager

Hi Neil,

thanks for your suggestion. In my case there is an Outlook add-in installed 
together with our application. We cannot just close Outlook without asking the 
user and I don't see a possibility to show just a single internal MSI dialog 
for prompting the user to close Outlook. Am I missing something here?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Neil Sleightholm [mailto:n...@x2systems.com]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012 08:09
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Burn and Files in Use / Restart Manager

What I do in this scenario is scan the logs to find out what files are in use 
and causing the reboot - look for a return code of 3010 from one of your MSIs - 
burn will only do a reboot if one of the packages (MSI or EXE) requests it. 
Once you know that you can decide how to handle it more effectively. For 
example, if a service is running you can stop it, if it is an application you 
can use the WiX CloseApplication element.

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Georg von Kries [mailto:g...@creativbox.net]
Sent: 22 October 2012 21:15
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Burn and Files in Use / Restart Manager

Hi all,

I've been successfully using WiX for a long time now and I'm very happy with 
it. Many thanks for all the effort you are putting into this project.

Currently I'm using WiX together with a standard Visual Studio bootstrapper for 
.NET and other prerequisites. I want to replace this with Burn which seems to 
be a very nice solution. All is working very good and using Burn is mostly 

But one thing bothers me: There seems to be no standard way for dealing with 
files in use and especially together with the restart manager. Burn will by 
default always trigger a restart/ask for restarting if something is in use.
For normal applications this is very annoying for users. Additionally if I 
remember correctly there was a Windows logo requirement which disallows this 
practice. Therefore I'm currently trying to extend the standard bootstrapper 
application (unmanaged) with "files in use" and restart manager capabilities. 

My current understanding is that this is not possible for an bootstrapper 
application without changing the engine. E.g. it seems OnExecuteFilesInUse() is 
never called for MSI packages; not even thinking about the Windows installer 
message INSTALLMESSAGE_RMFILESINUSE for using restart manager. I'm no windows 
installer or WiX guru, but when looking at the Burn source there is no message 
filter added for either INSTALLLOG_FILESINUSE or (if supported by the installer 
version) INSTALLLOGMODE_RMFILESINUSE when the external UI is initialized. But I 
might be missing something here.

I've started playing around with the Burn 3.7 source (because it's using 
MSBuild only) and got the messages working, but there are other side effects. 
E.g. the engine will always suppress results from the UI trying to pass only 
expected values back to the installer; but in case of the restart manager there 
are more possibilities which are not included into the message.

I just wanted to ask what the plans are for supporting this functionality or if 
I'm totally going into the wrong direction and there is an obvious solution I'm 
not aware of. 

Thanks for reading!

Yours sincerely,
Georg von Kries

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