some problem with perUser installaon (wixui-advanced), perMachine uninstall
without this error
04.11.2012 10:50 пользователь "Dave Lowndes" <>
> When uninstalling my app I'm getting this warning dialog coming up with:
> Warning 1910.Could not remove Shortcut My App.lnk. Verify that the
> shortcut file exists and that you can access it.
> The shortcut disappears from the desktop but re-appears if I hit refresh
> (F5) on the Desktop.
> Here's the msi log entries for this part:
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:361]: Executing op:
> ActionStart(Name=RemoveShortcuts,Description=Removing
> shortcuts,Template=Shortcut: [1])
> Action 18:49:00: RemoveShortcuts. Removing shortcuts
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:361]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=25)
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:361]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned:
> C:\Users\Public\Desktop
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:361]: Executing op:
> ShortcutRemove(Name=xve6flbu|My App)
> RemoveShortcuts: Shortcut: xve6flbu|My App
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:377]: MSI_DBG: Descriptor feature validation
> failed
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:377]: Verifying accessibility of file: My
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:377]: Using source file security for
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:377]: Note: 1: 2106 2: -2147467259 3: My App.lnk
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:377]: Remove Shortcut failed... retrying.
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:892]: Note: 1: 2106 2: -2147467259 3: My App.lnk
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:00:892]: Remove Shortcut failed... retrying.
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:01:406]: Note: 1: 2106 2: -2147467259 3: My App.lnk
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:01:406]: Remove Shortcut failed... retrying.
> MSI (s) (98:88) [18:49:01:921]: Remove Shortcut failed AFTER RETRY.
> Warning 1910.Could not remove Shortcut My App.lnk. Verify that the
> shortcut file exists and that you can access it.
> Here's my WiX entries for this shortcut...
>    <Fragment>
>      <!-- define global icon -->
>      <Icon Id="icon.ico"
> SourceFile="$(var.MyApp.ProjectDir)Images\Player.ico"/>
>      <!-- set add/remove programs icon-->
>      <Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="icon.ico" />
>    </Fragment>
>    <!-- single files/components -->
>    <Fragment>
>      <ComponentGroup Id="ProgramComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
>        <Component Id="AppFolderComp">
>          <RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\$(var.ProductName)"
> Name="Path" Value="[APPLICATIONFOLDER]" Type="string" />
>          <util:RemoveFolderEx Id="CleanupApplicationFolder"
> Property="APPLICATIONFOLDER" On="uninstall" />
>        </Component>
>        <Component Id="ProgramComponent">
>          <File Id="MainExe" Source="$(var.MyApp.TargetPath)" Vital="yes"
> KeyPath="yes">
>            <Shortcut Advertise="yes" Id="DesktopShortcut"
> Directory="DesktopFolder" Name="$(var.ProductName)"
> WorkingDirectory="INSTALLLOCATION" Description="$(var.ProductName)"
> Icon="icon.ico"/>
>            <fire:FirewallException Id="FWX1" Name="$(var.ProductName)"
> Scope="any" />
>          </File>
>        </Component>
> This seems to be a fairly common problem but I haven't seen a solution
> yet. I tried MSIEXEC /Unregister | MSIEXEC /RegServer without success. I
> also changed permissions on the Security tab of the Shortcut to give
> Everyone Full Control with no luck either.
> Is this a configuration issue or something else?
> Cheers
> Dave
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