I have a RegistryValue that is added to a pre-existing key.  The
RegistryValue is in a Component in a ComponentGroup in a Feature like so:
    <ComponentGroup Id="IISRegistryComponents" Directory="TARGETDIR">
      <Component Id="W3SVCRegistryComponent"
        <RegistryValue Root="HKLM"
Key="System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC" Name="Environment"
Type="multiString" Action="append" KeyPath="yes">


      <Feature Id="IISRegistryFeature" Title="Instrument IIS Applications"
Description="Installing this will result in IIS .NET applications being
instrumented." Display="expand" Level="1" AllowAdvertise="no"
InstallDefault="local" Absent="allow">
        <ComponentGroupRef Id="IISRegistryComponents"/>

When I install my application the Environment registry key is created if it
doesn't exist and my strings are added to the list of strings.  When I
uninstall my application the Environment value is not removed and the
strings are not removed from the value.

After much testing I have found that if I install with a freshly generated
GUID for the Component then the Environment value is removed on uninstall.
 However, if I re-install again with the same installer and uninstall again
then the Environment value is not removed.

I am guessing there is a bug in the reference counting that is causing the
uninstall to remove the value but not decrement the
component reference count so the next time I install/uninstall the
installer thinks the Component is still in use so it doesn't remove it.

If I am doing something wrong and I just need to do it right that would be
ideal, if not then a fix or a workaround would be appreciated since I need
to get this installer out and I don't want to release an installer that
doesn't clean-up after itself.
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