The System Restore error isn't the issue. The fact that "Continuing..." is
on the end of the line means it was non-fatal error. The fatal error is
that the ACLs on your ProgamData cannot be set correctly. Last time we saw
this was Neil actually had a per-machine Bundle that was trying to be
installed on a machine where UAC was disabled but the user was not an
admin. Any chance that is the scenario here?

If not, can you check the ACLs on the folder mentioned in the error.
Something is preventing us from being able to set the ACLs on it.

On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Neil Sleightholm <> wrote:

> Are you running the wix36.exe from an elevate process? If not I think that
> may be the issue.
> Neil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sanford, Gerard C []
> Sent: 02 January 2013 15:10
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] Installation of WiX36 issue- System Restore Point
> Creation Failure
> Hi All,
> I'm looking to create a script that installs the WiX36.exe application
> silently. When running the following command, I am seeing an error related
> to a failure with the creation of a system restore point:
> C:\FAST\Wix36.exe -quiet
> Log snippet at the point of error:
> Plan complete, result: 0x0
> Apply begin
> Creating a system restore point.
> Could not create system restore point, error: 0x80070514. Continuing...
> Error 0x8007051b: Failed to secure cache path: C:\ProgramData\Package
> Cache\ Error 0x8007051b: Failed to secure cache directory:
> C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\ Error 0x8007051b: Failed to create completed
> cache path for bundle.
> Error 0x8007051b: Failed to cache bundle from path:
> C:\Users\e655718\AppData\Local\Temp\{b231fcb6-e021-42f1-a485-f298f7b0b978}\.be\WiX36.exe
> Error 0x8007051b: Failed to begin registration session.
> Error 0x8007051b: Failed to begin registration session in per-machine
> process.
> Error 0x8007051b: Failed to register bundle.
> Apply complete, result: 0x8007051b, restart: None, ba requested restart:
>  No Shutting down, exit code: 0x8007051b
> When I watch the process via a tool that monitors elevation privileges
> (Policy Monitor), I am seeing a '-burn-unelevated' switch applied
> automatically:
> 875        12-20-2012 14:21:50.903              APPLICATION:
> C:\FAST\Wix36.exe
> 876        12-20-2012 14:21:50.903              ARGUMENTS: -quiet
> 877        12-20-2012 14:21:51.319              APPLICATION:
> C:\FAST\Wix36.exe
> 878        12-20-2012 14:21:51.319              ARGUMENTS: -quiet
> -burn.unelevated burnpipe.{55d02db9-3573-4d3a-a6e0-ff05793720db}
> {8f3179bc-ee69-4199-b6f2-3cb91e5e51b6} 5412
> Is there a switch available that ensures that the installation will run in
> an elevated/privileged state? Or is the failure to create a system restore
> point caused by something else?
> Also, is there any documentation available on the web that shows all of
> the valid switches that are available?
> Any help on this issue is appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Gerard C. Sanford
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