How are you saving your rtf, I would advise using WordPad as that creates very 
simple rtf files (compared to Word).

-----Original Message-----
From: Chaitanya [] 
Sent: 12 March 2013 05:27
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Updating the License Agreement

How can we Know the Code page is suitable for this line..
I tried with 860 also its not working for me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Blair Murri [] 
Sent: 12 March 2013 09:57
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Updating the License Agreement

Chaitanya, My answer would be that your Licence.rtf file contains one or
more characters that don't fit into the 1252 codepage. Either change your
codepage to match the one that the RTF file was created in, or remove the
characters from that file that don't fit into that codepage.
Blair > From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 10:29:05 -0400
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Updating the License Agreement
> I'm not sure what might be wrong with your code, but here's what I have
for a custom license agreement:
> <UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal" />
> <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText" />
> <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="License.rtf" />
> In the same dir as the wxs, the License.rtf file contains my custom text
of the agreement.
> Alain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chaitanya [] 
> Sent: March 11, 2013 03:57
> To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
> Subject: [WiX-users] Updating the License Agreement
> Hi,
> When iam updating the License agreement its is throwing some error called
codepage should be-1252'. I updated my codepage but still
> it is throwing same error.
> My code is.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="";>
>        <Product Id="24F2B50A-BB6B-49D6-B4D3-3DEAC4FA512C" Name="test"
> Language="1033" codepage=1252" Version="" Manufacturer="test"
> UpgradeCode="c5870159-96cb-45a3-82b8-f2a4af250832">
>               <Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" />
>     <Property Id="WIXUI_INSTALLDIR" Value="ProgramFilesFolder" />
>     <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Overridable="yes"
> Value="C:\Users\Desktop\License.rtf" />
>               <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />
>     <!--<MajorUpgrade AllowSameVersionUpgrades="yes"
> DowngradeErrorMessage="A VERSION IS ALREADY INSTALLED"/>-->
>               <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>                      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" />
>                            <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="test">
>           <Component Id="test" DiskId="1"
> Guid="54FD7816-E770-4738-BDD6-EA118326724B">
>             <File Id="chaitu.txt" Name="chaitu.txt"
> Source="C:\Users\Desktop\New folder\smeu.txt"></File>
>           </Component>
>                            </Directory>
>                      </Directory>
>               <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="test" Level="1">
>       <ComponentRef Id="test"/>
>               </Feature>
>     <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />
>   </Product>
> </Wix>
> Error is:
> A string was provided with characters that are not available in the
specified database code page '1252'. Either change these
> characters to ones that exist in the database's code page, or update the
database's code page by modifying one of the following
> attributes: Product/@Codepage, Module/@Codepage, Patch/@Codepage,
PatchCreation/@Codepage, or WixLocalization/@Codepage
> How to over come the error
> Thanks & Regards,
> avg
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