I've recently added the AllowDowngrades="yes" attribute to my MajorUpgrade 
element, which resulted in the following light warning:

warning LGHT1076 : ICE61: This product should remove only older versions of 
itself. No Maximum version was detected for the current

In a similar post ( see http://sourceforge.net/p/wix/bugs/2405/ ), Rob explains 
that the warning is produced by the Windows
Installer / ICE team, and that they believe allowing downgrades or same version 
upgrades is a bad idea.

The reason I think we need to enable downgrades is if we push a new major 
upgrade, but find out there's some critical and
hard-to-fix flaw we missed, and then want to quickly and easily rollback to an 
older version.

So the warning is making me wonder if there's a flaw in my logic. Your thoughts?


Alain Forget, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University

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