The burn log (look for IntelaTrac_20130617152938.log) will tell you which 
package's error caused the rollback. Then you can look in that package's log to 
see why it failed.
> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 18:53:24 -0400
> Subject: [WiX-users] Automatic rollback on a setup prerequisite in WiX 3.6    
> Burn
> Hello,
> I am trying to include the MS SQL CE 3.5 SP2 as part of my setup 
> prerequisites. However, this part rolls back after it completes. I turned on 
> the DisplayInternalUI to see the last dialog box of the installation. After 
> that, MSSQL CE got uninstalled and I got two install log files in the end:
> IntelaTrac_20130617152938_0_MSSQL_CE35SP2.log
> IntelaTrac_20130617152938_0_MSSQL_CE35SP2_rollback.log
> I could not tell what was causing the rollback from the log files. Below is 
> the code I put in for this work. Any help will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks a lot,
> Miaohsi
>     <util:RegistrySearch Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL 
> Server Compact Edition\v3.5\ENU" Value="DesktopRuntimeVersion" 
> Variable="SQLCEVersion" />
>     <PackageGroup Id="MSSQL_CE35SP2">
>       <MsiPackage Id="MSSQL_CE35SP2"
>         Cache="no"
>         Compressed="yes"
>         DisplayInternalUI="yes"
>         Vital="yes"
>         Name="Redist\SSCERuntime_x86-ENU.msi"
>         SourceFile="..\Redist\SSCERuntime_x86-ENU.msi"
>         InstallCondition="(NOT SQLCEVersion) OR (SQLCEVersion &lt; 
> v3.5.8080.0)">
>       </MsiPackage>
>     </PackageGroup>
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