Any process that wants to do something with a service (such as stop it) has
a Windows handle open to it. In managed code you'd use a ServiceController
class, and the Dispose() method in that class is explicitly there to release
unmanaged resources like that service handle. By "managed" I mean Microsoft
.NET "managed" - I don't know what your java is. 

In C++ it's a bit more exposed - you'd do a Win32 OpenService() call, this
returns a handle that must be closed or you have a handle leak and a service
that can't be deleted.

On the net stop thing my cmd-style/old dos style knowledge is long gone but:

I don't know for a fact that your net stop is synchronous. It might be that
it actually fires off a process to host the net stop, and it runs while you
return and you're in a timing race with the rest of what you're doing. It's
also possible that internally net stop just tells the service to stop but
doesn't wait for it to actually finish, in which case it's also asynchronous
and you're in a timing race. That's because stopping a service is message
based. An actual synchronous API call will tell you what's really going on,
such as whether the service asked for more time to shut down, and will
return a result saying whether it worked or not, and you can really wait for
it to finish. The other issue is that you don't actually know that your net
stop worked - you're trusting that it will be ok and the service will stop.
If your java runtime has an explicit way to stop a Windows service and wait
for it to actually finish, use that. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Alain Forget [] 
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 11:14 AM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall restart issue

Can you clarify what you mean by "If any process has a handle open to a
service"? Isn't it the service that runs/spawns/opens a handle to a process,
and not the other way around? And isn't it the service that tries to stop
the process when the service is told to stop?

Our code is all in Java (so it's managed, as far as I know), and I use the
following to stop the services:

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("net stop " + serviceName).waitFor();

So our client stops and waits until our service is stopped. This waiting of
indeterminate length makes me jumpy as well, but I don't know of any other
solution to this problem (of a running service that called a batch file
causes the RestartManager to think a restart is needed when it really won't
be) that we've been trying to figure out and fix for weeks.

I'm definitely open to any suggestions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Wilson []
Sent: June 28, 2013 14:03
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall restart issue

I've mentioned this before, but I don't recall if it was in connection with
this thread...

If any process has a handle open to a service, then Windows can't delete it
so it gets marked disabled. In code this tends to be code that doesn't close
handles , whether explicitly in C++ or in managed code ServiceControllers by
failure to Dispose(). 

Personally I wouldn't use anything asynchronous or of indeterminate length
such as net stop in a cmd shell. If you're seeing something timing-related,
that may be where the issue is. Even in C++ the code to stop a service is
not complicated and is much more manageable than a command shell. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Alain Forget []
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 7:07 AM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall restart issue

Yes, the cmd.exe is from a .bat file the service executes. Making it
read-only did give the uninstaller pause as it took longer before finally
deciding to still request a restart.

One of my team members pointed something out that I should have realised:
Since this problem is mainly causing problems when our software was
auto-updating itself, we can run "net stop MyServiceX" from our own client
before it runs the downloaded installer. Although this doesn't "solve" the
problem, I think it sufficiently circumvents the problem for our purposes
(especially given the ridiculous amount of time and effort we've sunken into
it, including everyone here who has so graciously helped!).

However, we now have a new problem where, during uninstall, the services are
sometimes only disabled but not removed (although other times they are
removed without problem, and I haven't figured out why it's intermittent).
This new problem seems to have begun since we started using the
ServiceInstall, and relying on the ServiceControl element to remove our

        Arguments="-ini &quot;[#fileMySensor1JslConfig]&quot;"
        Description="My Sensor 1"
        DisplayName=" My Sensor 1"

Before this, we used a CA to run "jsl.exe -remove MySensor1JSLConfig.ini",
which seemed to reliably remove the services every time.

Now that we've stopped using it, any running services (i.e. ones that aren't
using batch files or cmd.exe) still stop correctly, and the services are
"disabled" and do disappear if I restart the computer, but this isn't
sufficient, since when doing a silent upgrade, there is no opportunity to
restart (and "reboots are evil" anyway).

The verbose uninstall log file of when the services are not removed by the
uninstaller doesn't show much:

MSI (s) (5C:BC) [09:41:50:273]: Doing action: StopServices Action ended
09:41:50: UnpublishFeatures. Return value 1.
Action start 09:41:50: StopServices.
MSI (s) (5C:BC) [09:41:50:273]: Doing action: DeleteServices Action ended
09:41:50: StopServices. Return value 1.
Action start 09:41:50: DeleteServices.
MSI (s) (5C:BC) [09:41:50:273]: Doing action: RemoveRegistryValues Action
ended 09:41:50: DeleteServices. Return value 1.
Action start 09:41:50: RemoveRegistryValues.

Looking in the .msi with Orca, there doesn't seem to be a column in the
ServiceControl table for the WiX attributes of "Start", "Stop", and

ServiceControl  Name            Event   Argument        Wait    Component_
svcMyClient     MyClient        163                     1       compMyClient
svcMySensor1    MySensor1       163                     1
svcMySensor2    MySensor2       163                     1
svcMySensor3    MySensor3       163                     1
I didn't see anywhere else in the tables in Orca that tells the uninstaller
to remove the services, but maybe it's not stored/shown there.

Anyway, any idea why the services aren't being completely removed
immediately at uninstall, even though I have specified that they should be
removed at uninstall in the ServiceControl tags?


-----Original Message-----
From: Blair Murri []
Sent: June 27, 2013 19:06
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall restart issue

Very plausible. My understanding is that basically Restart Manager sorts
processes into three groups: services (which it can see either have explicit
stop commands in the MSI or not), applications in the same desktop that have
a visible window with a title (to which it can send messages to shut it
down), and everything else. It never looks at the parentage of a process
because there is never any guarantee that a process will kill its children
when it is stopped.
Its plausible that if the cmd.exe process using your files were to register
with Restart Manager for what MSFT has called "freeze dry" it wouldn't be
treated the way it is.
One other possible workaround for your scenario: if the files that are in
use are marked in the filesystem as "read only" they MAY be ignored by
Restart Manager. Is cmd.exe used because your service calls a batch script
file? Try making that batch script file read-only and see if cmd.exe at
least is removed from the list of "critical applications".
Regarding the question on CAs: All CAs should never expose their own UI,
instead using the message processing APIs that MSI provides. Deferred
actions may not run on the same desktop as the user and thus will never even
be seen (and can't be acted up) by the user, which is why it is critical
that they be "silent". The only actions that cannot use MSIs messaging apis
are actions called directly by MSI's UI (dialogs), but even they run in a
sandbox that makes it very difficult to properly interact with the MSI UI.
There is no reason that an action has to be deferred to be "silent" (most
immediate actions never show any UI) but non-deferred actions are never
assumed to alter machine state (which is why they cannot ever be rolled
back, are never given elevated privileges, and can potentially cause several
unexpected side effects if they ever do alter machine state, which is why
they are discouraged for any installer that intends to be reliable).
Blair Murri
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 16:12:04 -0400
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall restart issue
> I have just confirmed that, when my service is running the cmd.exe
process, the RestartManager requests the restart, while otherwise, it does
> My service would immediately kill the cmd.exe process the moment the
service is asked to stop, but for whatever reason, I'm guessing the
RestartManager seems to think that the cmd.exe process is a "critical
application" and it doesn't realise that it's entirely under the control of
my service, which will stop it when requested.
> Does this sound plausible, given what you know about the RestartManager?
Do you know why it would just assume that cmd.exe won't be stopped by the
uninstaller (maybe because it wasn't installed by our installer)?
> Alain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alain Forget []
> Sent: June 27, 2013 14:12
> To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
> Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Uninstall restart issue
> Sorry for the delay. I'm not sure I want non-elevated privileges to be
able to stop my service, but I suppose that might be a last-ditch solution.
Also, I thought for that CAs had to be marked as deferred  (rather than
immediate) for them to be quietly/silently executed in the
that not so? See this for more information: 
> Below is what the Event Viewer\Windows Logs\Application -> Source: 
> Restart
Manager says. What I find most interesting is the fourth entry, where the
description is "Machine restart is required.", and it points out the
following applications:
>     <RmRestartEvent
>       <RmSessionId>0</RmSessionId>
>       <nApplications>5</nApplications>
>       <Applications>
>         <Application>cmd.exe</Application>
>         <Application>My Client </Application>
>         <Application>My Sensor 1</Application>
>         <Application>My Sensor 2</Application>
>         <Application>My Sensor 3</Application>
>       </Applications>
>       <RebootReasons>3</RebootReasons>
>     </RmRestartEvent>
> I don't know what a "RebootReasons" of 3 is, but it's clearly 
> identified
my programs (but not the fact that they're actually services), as well as
cmd.exe, which is something one of my sensors has executed. I will do
further tests to see if it's actually what the cmd.exe is doing that's
triggering the request to reboot, but let me know if you have any other
> Event Viewer Log follows:
> Log Name:      Application
> Source:        Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager
> Date:          2013-06-27 13:50:05
> Event ID:      10000
> Task Category: None
> Level:         Information
> Keywords:      
> User:          aforget
> Computer:      aforget
> Description:
> Starting session 0 - ?2013?-?06?-?27T17:50:05.048184800Z.
> Event Xml:
> <Event xmlns="";>
>   <System>
>     <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager" Guid="{SOMEGUID}" />
>     <EventID>10000</EventID>
>     <Version>0</Version>
>     <Level>4</Level>
>     <Task>0</Task>
>     <Opcode>0</Opcode>
>     <Keywords>0x8000000000000000</Keywords>
>     <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-06-27T17:50:05.048184800Z" />
>     <EventRecordID>9756</EventRecordID>
>     <Correlation />
>     <Execution ProcessID="3048" ThreadID="4828" />
>     <Channel>Application</Channel>
>     <Computer>aforget</Computer>
>     <Security UserID="SOMEID" />
>   </System>
>   <UserData>
>     <RmSessionEvent
>       <RmSessionId>0</RmSessionId>
>       <UTCStartTime>2013-06-27T17:50:05.048184800Z</UTCStartTime>
>     </RmSessionEvent>
>   </UserData>
> </Event>
> Log Name:      Application
> Source:        Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager
> Date:          2013-06-27 13:50:15
> Event ID:      10001
> Task Category: None
> Level:         Information
> Keywords:      
> User:          aforget
> Computer:      aforget
> Description:
> Ending session 0 started ?2013?-?06?-?27T17:50:05.048184800Z.
> Event Xml:
> <Event xmlns="";>
>   <System>
>     <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager" Guid="{SOMEGUID}" />
>     <EventID>10001</EventID>
>     <Version>0</Version>
>     <Level>4</Level>
>     <Task>0</Task>
>     <Opcode>0</Opcode>
>     <Keywords>0x8000000000000000</Keywords>
>     <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-06-27T17:50:15.219402700Z" />
>     <EventRecordID>9758</EventRecordID>
>     <Correlation />
>     <Execution ProcessID="3048" ThreadID="3352" />
>     <Channel>Application</Channel>
>     <Computer>aforget</Computer>
>     <Security UserID="SOMEID" />
>   </System>
>   <UserData>
>     <RmSessionEvent
>       <RmSessionId>0</RmSessionId>
>       <UTCStartTime>2013-06-27T17:50:05.048184800Z</UTCStartTime>
>     </RmSessionEvent>
>   </UserData>
> </Event>
> Log Name:      Application
> Source:        Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager
> Date:          2013-06-27 13:50:24
> Event ID:      10000
> Task Category: None
> Level:         Information
> Keywords:      
> User:          aforget
> Computer:      aforget
> Description:
> Starting session 0 - ?2013?-?06?-?27T17:50:24.860219600Z.
> Event Xml:
> <Event xmlns="";>
>   <System>
>     <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager" Guid="{SOMEGUID}" />
>     <EventID>10000</EventID>
>     <Version>0</Version>
>     <Level>4</Level>
>     <Task>0</Task>
>     <Opcode>0</Opcode>
>     <Keywords>0x8000000000000000</Keywords>
>     <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-06-27T17:50:24.860219600Z" />
>     <EventRecordID>9762</EventRecordID>
>     <Correlation />
>     <Execution ProcessID="3048" ThreadID="2524" />
>     <Channel>Application</Channel>
>     <Computer>aforget</Computer>
>     <Security UserID="SOMEID" />
>   </System>
>   <UserData>
>     <RmSessionEvent
>       <RmSessionId>0</RmSessionId>
>       <UTCStartTime>2013-06-27T17:50:24.860219600Z</UTCStartTime>
>     </RmSessionEvent>
>   </UserData>
> </Event>
> Log Name:      Application
> Source:        Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager
> Date:          2013-06-27 13:50:25
> Event ID:      10005
> Task Category: None
> Level:         Information
> Keywords:      
> User:          aforget
> Computer:      aforget
> Description:
> Machine restart is required.
> Event Xml:
> <Event xmlns="";>
>   <System>
>     <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager" Guid="{SOMEGUID}" />
>     <EventID>10005</EventID>
>     <Version>0</Version>
>     <Level>4</Level>
>     <Task>0</Task>
>     <Opcode>0</Opcode>
>     <Keywords>0x8000000000000000</Keywords>
>     <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-06-27T17:50:25.000619800Z" />
>     <EventRecordID>9763</EventRecordID>
>     <Correlation />
>     <Execution ProcessID="3048" ThreadID="2524" />
>     <Channel>Application</Channel>
>     <Computer>aforget</Computer>
>     <Security UserID="SOMEID" />
>   </System>
>   <UserData>
>     <RmRestartEvent
>       <RmSessionId>0</RmSessionId>
>       <nApplications>5</nApplications>
>       <Applications>
>         <Application>cmd.exe</Application>
>         <Application>My Client </Application>
>         <Application>My Sensor 1</Application>
>         <Application>My Sensor 2</Application>
>         <Application>My Sensor 3</Application>
>       </Applications>
>       <RebootReasons>3</RebootReasons>
>     </RmRestartEvent>
>   </UserData>
> </Event>
> Log Name:      Application
> Source:        Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager
> Date:          2013-06-27 13:50:34
> Event ID:      10001
> Task Category: None
> Level:         Information
> Keywords:      
> User:          aforget
> Computer:      aforget
> Description:
> Ending session 0 started ?2013?-?06?-?27T17:50:24.860219600Z.
> Event Xml:
> <Event xmlns="";>
>   <System>
>     <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager" Guid="{SOMEGUID}" />
>     <EventID>10001</EventID>
>     <Version>0</Version>
>     <Level>4</Level>
>     <Task>0</Task>
>     <Opcode>0</Opcode>
>     <Keywords>0x8000000000000000</Keywords>
>     <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-06-27T17:50:34.743837800Z" />
>     <EventRecordID>9767</EventRecordID>
>     <Correlation />
>     <Execution ProcessID="3048" ThreadID="3352" />
>     <Channel>Application</Channel>
>     <Computer>aforget</Computer>
>     <Security UserID="SOMEID" />
>   </System>
>   <UserData>
>     <RmSessionEvent
>       <RmSessionId>0</RmSessionId>
>       <UTCStartTime>2013-06-27T17:50:24.860219600Z</UTCStartTime>
>     </RmSessionEvent>
>   </UserData>
> </Event>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Blair []
> Sent: June 26, 2013 09:17
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall restart issue
> It also requires that the service is setup to allow non-elevated
privileges to stop it.
> Event Viewer\Windows Logs\Application
>     Source: RestartManager
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joel Budreau
> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 6:22 PM
> To: ; General discussion for Windows Installer XML
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall restart issue
> Hey Alain,
> Take a look at my answer to this problem on stackoverflow - 
> oes-restartmanager-mark-service-as-rmcritical-and-no/8147540#8147540
> Basically, you can 'lie' about the custom action and mark it as 
> immediate
instead of deferred.  The drawback is that if your install fails and
rollsback, the service you've shut down will still be shut down.  Up to you
whether or not that's an appropriate risk for your product.
> - Joel
> On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Alain Forget <> wrote:
> > I'm still wrestling with this request to restart on uninstall. To 
> > recap, I have an MSI that when I install it, and then try to 
> > uninstall it, it usually tells the user that some of the files to be 
> > uninstalled are in use and will require a reboot. However, this 
> > should not be, because the services that are using the files will 
> > stop
immediately upon request.
> >
> > The problem seems to be that the installer is making the 
> > determination that the files are in use before even trying to stop 
> > services. Looking at the uninstall log, during FileCost, the 
> > installer determines that multiple "folder had been blocked by the 1 
> > mask argument (the folder pair's iSwapAttrib member = 0)", which I 
> > think
means it's in use?
> > Furthermore, at InstallValidate, "RESTART MANAGER: Did detect that a 
> > critical application holds file[s] in use, so a reboot will be 
> > necessary." Note that both InstallValidate and FileCost come before 
> > StopServices (see
> >
> > It had been suggested that I should stop the services myself with 
> > "net stop". So I attempted to do so with this in my .wxs:
> >
> > <!-- Silently stop my services (with elevated privileges; 
> > Execute="deferred", see 
> > ) --> 
> > <CustomAction Id="Set_cmdStopMyService"
> > Property="cmdStopClientCommModuleService" Value="net stop 
> > [#myService]" /> <CustomAction Id="cmdStopMyService" Execute="deferred"
> > DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Return="check" Impersonate="no" />
> >
> > <InstallExecuteSequence>
> >         <Custom Action="Set_cmdStopMyService" Before="CostInitialize" 
> >  ></Custom>
> >         <Custom Action="cmdStopMyService" Before="CostInitialize" 
> >  ></Custom>
> > </InstallExecuteSequence>
> >
> > However, candle / light don't allow it:
> >
> > error LGHT0204 : ICE77: cmdStopMyService is a in-script custom action.  
> > It must be sequenced in between the InstallInitialize action and the 
> > InstallFinalize action in the InstallExecuteSequence table
> >
> > Following Light's recommendation wouldn't solve my problem, because 
> > InstallInitialze happens long after the uninstaller has decided that 
> > the files are in use.
> >
> > So I'm completely stumped and would appreciate some suggestions.
> >
> > Alain
> >
> >
> >
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