I'm on Wix 3.7. I have an MSI that I would like to set a registry key (perhaps 
via a Custom Action, as he will have to check if the key already exists).

I'm understand that a Bundle in a bootstrapper project can't change the machine 
state (such as setting the registry). Therefore, I'm attempting to pass a 
command line argument via <MsiProperty>, but doesn't appear to show up as a 
command line argument in my log file for the bootstrapper.

1.       Is it possible to set a registry key up in a Bundle?

2.       If not, how can I add a command line argument (or some other piece of 
custom data) to be passed to the MSI.

3.       How can the MSI read whatever it is I pass to it (whether I tends up 
being a command line arg or something else).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
  <Bundle Name="MyInstallerBootstrapperLocalDb" Version="" 
Manufacturer="$(var.Configuration) Industires" UpgradeCode="*">
Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
      <MsiPackage Id="MyInstallerInstaller" 
SourceFile="$(var.MyInstallerInstaller.TargetPath)" Compressed="no">
        <!-- TODO - if this is being set correctly, the MSI needs to interpret 
it and set up the key-->
        <MsiProperty Name="SetLocalDb" Value="yes"/>


Mark Freedman

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