Try the following:

Add upgrade details just above <InstallExecuteSequence> element.
The following will block install if newer version detected, and will remove
older version if detected.

    <Upgrade Id="17652B67-2C4F-4752-88CE-0E300DEA4C2F"> <!-- YOUR UPGRADE
CODE -->
      <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes" Minimum="4.3.0"
Property="NEWERVERSIONDETECTED" IncludeMinimum="no" /> <!-- Minimum = YOUR
      <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="no" Minimum="0.0.0" Maximum="4.3.0"
Property="OLDERVERSIONBEINGUPGRADED" IncludeMinimum="yes"
IncludeMaximum="yes" /> <!-- Maximum = YOUR VERSION -->

       <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallInitialize" />
       <InstallExecute After="RemoveExistingProducts" />
       <Custom Action="validateSqlServer" Before="validateProductDb">NOT
       <Custom Action="validateProductDb" Before="validateTpdb">NOT
       <Custom Action="validateTpdb" Before="tryUpdateTpdb">NOT
       <Custom Action="tryUpdateTpdb" Before="InstallFinalize">NOT

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Neil Sleightholm <>wrote:

> You seem to be missing an upgrade table. The simplest way to add this is
> to use MajorUpgrade element and set the attribute appropriately.
> Neil
> >Hi everyone,
> >
> >I've got a long-running application we just upgraded to .NET 4.5 and WiX.
> >It's had the same UpgradeCode for ages, so I included it in my
> >Product-file for WiX. It installed side-by-side with the existing
> >application. Reading up some, it seemed like I had to add a directive to
> >remove existing products. Good, I'd like to do that before the installer
> >does anything else. Just remove everything that was and put in this new
> >installer. That's how we do it everytime. Adding the directive, I thought
> >along with the UpgradeCode, I'm good to go ... but, it does not remove,
> >and I still get two items for this application in Add/Remove Programs.
> >This is my XML, and what I'm trying to do is simply remove all previous
> >versions (that have the UpgradeCode) and then put on this version 4.3.0
> >(previous version was 4.2.0 and a Visual Studio Installer Project):
> >
> ><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> ><Wix xmlns="";
> >xmlns:netfx="";>
> >  <Product Id="*" Name="Program Name Removed" Language="1033"
> >Version="4.3.0" Manufacturer="Company Name Removed"
> >UpgradeCode="17652B67-2C4F-4752-88CE-0E300DEA4C2F">
> >    <Package
> >      InstallerVersion="200"
> >      Compressed="yes"
> >      InstallScope="perMachine"
> >      InstallPrivileges="elevated"
> >      Manufacturer="Company Name Removed"
> >      Platform="x86"
> >       />
> >
> >    <!-- BEGIN: License Agreement -->
> >    <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf"
> >Value="SetupResources/LicenseAgreement.rtf" />
> >
> >    <!-- BEGIN: UI Bitmaps -->
> >    <WixVariable Id="WixUIBannerBmp"
> >Value="SetupResources/WiXDefBannerBitmap.bmp" />
> >    <WixVariable Id="WixUIDialogBmp"
> >Value="SetupResources/WiXDefDialogBitmap.bmp" />
> >    <!-- BEGIN: Custom Actions -->
> >    <CustomAction Id='validateSqlServer' BinaryKey='customPaActions'
> >DllEntry='ValidateSqlServer' />
> >    <CustomAction Id='validateTpdb' BinaryKey='customPaActions'
> >DllEntry='ValidateTpdb' />
> >    <CustomAction Id='validateProductDb' BinaryKey='customPaActions'
> >DllEntry='ValidateProductDb' />
> >    <CustomAction Id='tryUpdateTpdb' BinaryKey='customPaActions'
> >DllEntry='TryUpdateTpdb' />
> >
> >    <Binary Id='customPaActions' SourceFile='D:\TFS\Program Name
> >Removed\Main\Src\Program Name Removed\WiX.PA.CustomActions\obj\x86\WiX
> >Project Output Configuration\WiX.PA.CustomActions.CA.dll' />
> >
> >    <!-- BEGIN: Single MSI -->
> >    <MediaTemplate EmbedCab="yes" />
> >    <!-- BEGIN: Application Icon -->
> >    <Icon Id="appicon.ico" SourceFile="SetupResources/appicon.ico"/>
> >    <!-- BEGIN: .NET Version Launch Condition -->
> >    <PropertyRef Id="NETFRAMEWORK45" />
> >    <Condition Message="You must install Microsoft .NET 4.5">
> >      <![CDATA[Installed OR NETFRAMEWORK45]]>
> >    </Condition>
> >    <InstallExecuteSequence>
> >      <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallInitialize" />
> >      <InstallExecute After="RemoveExistingProducts" />
> >      <Custom Action="validateSqlServer" Before="validateProductDb">NOT
> >Installed</Custom>
> >      <Custom Action="validateProductDb" Before="validateTpdb">NOT
> >Installed</Custom>
> >      <Custom Action="validateTpdb" Before="tryUpdateTpdb">NOT
> >Installed</Custom>
> >      <Custom Action="tryUpdateTpdb" Before="InstallFinalize">NOT
> >Installed</Custom>
> >    </InstallExecuteSequence>
> >
> >    <!-- BEGIN: File System -->
> >    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
> >      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
> >        <Directory Id="CompanyFolder" Name="Company Name Removed">
> >          <Directory Id="INSTALLDIRECTORY" Name="Program Name Removed">
> >            <Directory Id="Cache" Name="Cache">
> >              <Directory Id="Images" Name="Images">
> >              </Directory>
> >            </Directory>
> >            <Directory Id="Help" Name="Help"/>
> >          </Directory>
> >        </Directory>
> >      </Directory>
> >      <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="Desktop"></Directory>
> >      <Directory Id="StartMenuFolder" Name="StartMenu"></Directory>
> >      <Directory Id="StartupFolder" Name="StartUp"></Directory>
> >      <Directory Id='AppDataFolder' Name='Roaming'>
> >        <Directory Id="Company Name RemovedFolder" Name="Company Name
> >Removed">
> >          <Directory Id='ProgramNameRemovedFolder' Name='Program Name
> >Removed'>
> >            <Directory Id='SettingsFolder' Name='Settings'/>
> >            <Directory Id='ErrorFolder' Name='Error'/>
> >            <Directory Id='CacheFolder' Name='Cache'/>
> >            <Directory Id='LogFolder' Name='Log'/>
> >          </Directory>
> >        </Directory>
> >      </Directory>
> >      <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder">
> >        <Directory Id="ApplicationProgramsFolder" Name="Program Name
> >Removed"/>
> >      </Directory>
> >    </Directory>
> >    <!-- BEGIN: Features -->
> >    <Feature Id="ProductFeature" ConfigurableDirectory="TARGETDIR"
> >Level="1">
> >      <ComponentGroupRef Id="Shortcuts"/>
> >      <ComponentGroupRef Id="ProductComponents.Help" />
> >      <ComponentGroupRef Id="ProductComponents.Images" />
> >      <ComponentGroupRef Id="ProductComponents.RoamingFolders" />
> >      <ComponentGroupRef Id="HeatBinaryFiles" />
> >    </Feature>
> >
> >    <!-- BEGIN: Add/Remove Programs Icon -->
> >    <Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="appicon.ico" />
> >
> >    <!-- BEGIN: User Interface -->
> >    <UIRef Id="WixUI_APPNAME" />
> >
> >  </Product>
> ></Wix>
> >
> >Any sharp eyes seeing what I'm doing wrong? Relating back to Visual
> >Studio Installers, I just checked "remove existing versions" (and detect
> >newer versions) or what it was called again, and it's the same behavior
> >I'm looking for here.
> >
> >Best Regards,
> >
> >Tom
> >
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> >k
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> >
> >
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