Merge modules don't have the concept of "condition".  You put the condition 
on every component in the merge module or you put the condition on the 
feature(s) that reference the merge modules (and hence the components ).    
Once merged, a merge module doesn't exist.  It's a build time concept not 
an install time concept.

The same applies for wixlibs.  No difference at runtime other then the lack 
of modularization guids and artifiacts in the ModuleSignature and 
ModuleDependency tables.

 From: "Steven Ogilvie" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 11:34 AM
To: "General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset." 
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on a merge 
module in Product.wxs [P]

Classification: Public
Can't use WIXLIBS to replace the MERGEMODULES (Rob confirmed that with me)

I am installing 5 Services, they each go into a separate folder off the 
Services parent folder.

They share 8-10 WIXLIBS each (common files for each service, didn't make 
sense to create new component for each file 5 times)

Hence I can't use WIXLIBS for the Merge Modules nor can I throw everything 
into the Product.wxs since I would be repeating  files 5 times 10-20 

Was able to change 3 other installers from 2 solutions down to 1 solution 
and able to create x86 and x64 MSI's

Might just leave this one alone :(


-----Original Message-----
From: David Watson []
Sent: July-31-13 12:08 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on a merge 
module in Product.wxs [P]

I did it by not using merge modules, I used pure wixlibs.

So my components are pulled into the msi by ComponentGroupRef not by 

I only have the relevant bitness wixlib referenced in the wixproj.

Can you work around the issue with some pre-processing?


<?if $(var.Platform)=x64 ?>
<MergeRef Id="ServicesMergeModule"/>
<?else ?>
<MergeRef Id="ServicesMergeModule_x64"/> <?endif ?>

You seem to be trying to include both sets of merge module into the msi at 
compile time then deciding on what to install at runtime when you actually 
need to decide at compile time.

Dave W.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Ogilvie []
Sent: 31 July 2013 13:55
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on a merge 
module in Product.wxs [P]

Classification: Public
I originally have two solutions for the Services installer, in the x86 
product.wxs I have the 5 x86 merge modules, in the x64 product.wxs I have 
5 x64 merge modules...
So there are two sets of merge modules x86 compiled and x64 compiled

I am trying to make 1 solution using the configurations to build x86 MSI 
x64 MSI


-----Original Message-----
From: Blair Murri []
Sent: July-31-13 1:23 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on a merge 
module in Product.wxs [P]

You need one set of merge modules for x64 and another for x86, correct?

Use conditional compilation. You don't need all the merge modules in the 
x86, correct? Why put them there?

Or am I missing something?

> From:
> To:;
> Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 16:19:37 +0000
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on a merge 
> module in Product.wxs [P]
> Classification: Public
> Yup I have the configuration set in the Solution file for my Services 
> Solution, and in each MergeModule WIXProj I have set up x86/x64 
> configurations so it is built twice once for x86 and once for x64 and 
> placed in different folders wixlib/wixlibx64 (both merge modules and
> wixlibs)
> So I have 1 MergeModule project / 1 wixlib project but multiple 
> configurations to handle the x86/x64
> Looks like I am pooched...
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Watson []
> Sent: July-30-13 12:11 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.; David 
> Connet
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on a merge 
> module in Product.wxs [P]
> Isn't the win64 setting on the component so you need to build a 64bit 
> and a
> 32 bit version of each merge module (or wixlib).
> This is easily done with a shared .wxs file and a compilation setting.
> I have 32 and 64 bit components all up my build tree just because one
package needs a 32 and a 64 bit msi.
> (another) Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Ogilvie []
> Sent: 30 July 2013 16:54
> To: David Connet; General discussion forWindows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on a merge 
> module in Product.wxs [P]
> Classification: Public
> Sigh same merge modules just compiled under x86 and x64
> Get the error:
> Error 49      The merge module 'EnterpriseServicesMM_x64' contains a file
> identifier,
> 'fil2502525491FAEBF0E0D0ED1FE352E76D.9EFC3F5B_3D47_4233_A162_371DEF5D8
> E92', that is duplicated either in another merge module or in a 
> File/@Id attribute.
> File identifiers must be unique.  Please change one of the file 
> to a different value. C:\Dev\ Setup\Services_Setup\Product.wxs        282
> 1     Services_Setup
> <Feature Id="MergeModulesX86"
>              Title="Merge modules for 32 bit OS"
>              Level="1"
>              Display="expand"
>              ConfigurableDirectory="DIRECTORY_PATH_SERVICES">
>       ...
>       <MergeRef Id="ServicesMergeModule"/>
>       <Condition Level="1">
>         <![CDATA[NOT(VersionNT64) OR $(var.Platform) = "x86"]]>
>       </Condition>
>     </Feature>
>     <Feature Id="MergeModulesX64"
>              Title="Merge modules for 64 bit OS"
>              Level="1"
>              Display="expand"
>              ConfigurableDirectory="DIRECTORY_PATH_SERVICES">
>       ...
>       <MergeRef Id="ServicesMergeModule_x64"/>
>       <Condition Level="1">
>         <![CDATA[VersionNT64 OR $(var.Platform) = "x64"]]>
>       </Condition>
> ...
> <Merge Id="ServicesMergeModule" DiskId="1"

> Language="1033"/> ...
> <Merge Id="ServicesMergeModule_x64" DiskId="1"
> SourceFile="$(env.SharedServices)\Installers\wixlibx64\ServicesMergeMo
> m" Language="1033"/>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Connet []
> Sent: July-30-13 11:10 AM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on a merge 
> module in Product.wxs [P]
> Assign them to a feature and condition the feature.
> Dave
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Steven Ogilvie <>
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> <>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 7:16 AM
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on a merge 
> module in Product.wxs [P]
> Classification: Public
> The 5 merge modules have <ComponentGroupRef Id="cmpgrp_Log4Net"/> of 
> about 10 wixlibs The files in the MergeModules and WixLibs are built 
> as AnyCPU however since I need to install the services for 64 bit OS 
> and 32 bit OS I need two MSI's one for 32 and one for 64 bit
> So I am not using any binary files that are specific for 32 bit or 64 
> bit,
I just need to include the MergeModules in 1 product.wxs file The Merge 
Modules themselves are built x86 and x64 and are located in two different 
> So the question is, HOW do I conditionally install the merge modules 
> based
on the OS bitness?
> Thanks,
> Steve
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