I have been trying to add "Downgrade" support to our MSI. I know 
Uninstall/Re-install is preferred over this, but this is needed for automated 
deployments and is specially helpful for our zero-downtime product upgrades 
across multiple machines. So the requirement is that any version can be 
installed over any other version which is different.
I am using the AllowDowngrades="yes" option with MajorUpgrade element 
i.e.<Product    Id="*"   .....    UpgradeCode="<GUID>" >
<MajorUpgrade         Schedule="afterInstallInitialize"        
AllowDowngrades="yes" />
However, I see a few issues while testing downgrade (say installing v1.9 while 
2.0 is already installed) - 
1. Our wxs file contains one file per component, however all the components are 
skipped during the installation of v1.9.2. As a result, Custom action execution 
fails with this error - 
The File 'File_xxxx' is not marked for installation.MSI (s) (A4:E4) 
[15:45:47:544]: The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing 
this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 
2753. The arguments are: File_xxxx, , 
I would like to know possible ways to solve this problem.Please note that 
versions of all our files will change across releases.
P.S - I read about using REINSTALLMODE=amus to force reinstallation of all 
files. I also saw comments saying that this is okay for dev testing and is NOT 
RECOMMENDED for production systems.
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