Why not put D2.dll in it's own Component?

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 10:37 PM, Michael Partridge <
michael.partri...@petrosys.com.au> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was wondering if the state of play has changed at all since
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/703359/wix-add-new-file-to-shared-componentwas
>  discussed?
> Basically, I have Product1 (already released) and Product2 (in
> development) which both share the same component A.dll. A.dll is installed
> to %COMMONFILES%/MyProducts/.
> Product1 installs A.dll version 1.0.0, which is dependent upon D1.dll.
> Product2 installs A.dll version 1.1.0, which is dependent upon D1.dll and
> D2.dll.
> Due to the way that A.dll is used (it's a COM component registered in a
> thirdparty application, and we can only register one .dll) there isn't the
> option of creating newA.dll and putting that into Product2. (At least not
> without breaking Product1.)
> I think my only option is to add D2.dll in A.dll's component, breaking the
> component rules, and live with the fact that D2.dll will remain on the
> user's computer if they uninstall Product2 then uninstall Product1. At
> least then, if someone uninstalls Product2 our .dll will continue to run
> correctly.
> Does anyone have any further insight?
> Thanks,
> Michael
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