Hi everyone, I did get WiX 3.7 installed correctly once that little other MSI 
was around. Thanks!

Now I have a question about the ExitCode element. The documentation says about 
its Value attribute:

"Exit code returned from executable package. If no value is provided it means 
all values not explicitly set default to this behavior."

How does ExePackage behave if there are *no* ExitCode elements provided? There 
are no Behaviours at that point at all. Are all exit codes treated as success?

(Background) I am working on supporting bootstrapped installers with my front 
end and want to know what I should let users pick for ExePackages.
Right now (in my development phase) I require them to pick a success code and 
if they want a code for scheduledReboot and forceReboot (both optional). Should 
I be requiring one for error as well, or should I just write out the success 
and the other two (if necessary) and allow all other codes to be "error"?

Also, if a *range* or in general more than one code falls into one of the four 
categories, do I use ExitCode element for each value? That would get pretty odd 
(though I can do it, since I am front-ending anyway) if one had to have (say) 
more than a few for a given category.

Keith Douglas
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