Yes, I keep forgetting that WixVariables and binder variables are both resolved 
in the binder and not the linker. I'm thinking of writing a binder for patching 
does everything the binder would do except actually assemble the MSI and 
associated cabs. Then you could melt your baseline MSI, pass wixpdbs to torch, 
and avoid much of the build slowdown and excess disk space consumption used in 
generating MSP files today. Then pipeline it into the current .target files and 
make that one less manual hassle to get to patching.

Enrique Domínguez <> wrote:

Hi Blair,
1) My team leader found source of trouble, error appear when you add a binary 
resource via wix variable like this,
<Binary Id="WixUI_Bmp_Banner" SourceFile="!(wix.WixUIBannerBmp)"/>

Currently we aren't using that directly, but it's default included with 
WixUI_Common reference (we built UIs over that) Wixout xml part got lines like:
<field cabinetFileId="6" 

Temporary solution was including WixUI_Common with hardcoded filepaths in wix 

2) Another issue we found was building with <Product Id="*".../> Msi's and 
mst's worked fine, but wixouts don't. Torch told us,
error TRCH0269: The value '*' is not valid for the ProductCode when used in a 
transform or in a patch. Copy the ProductCode from your target product MSI into 
the Product/@Id attribute value for your product authoring.

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