Classification: Public
You don't need to ADD the WXS file to your project, you only need to "copy" the 
<UI> element from that file...
Nor do you need to physically copy it to your project either...

If you follow the steps I provided below you will be fine...

1. in your PRODUCT.WXS file add the <UI> element:
<UI Id="WixUI_MYInstallDir">
      <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Normal" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" />
      <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Bigger" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="12" />
      <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Title" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="9" Bold="yes" />

      <Property Id="DefaultUIFont" Value="WixUI_Font_Normal" />
      <Property Id="WixUI_Mode" Value="InstallDir" />

      <DialogRef Id="BrowseDlg" />
      <DialogRef Id="DiskCostDlg" />
      <DialogRef Id="ErrorDlg" />
      <DialogRef Id="FatalError" />
      <DialogRef Id="FilesInUse" />
      <DialogRef Id="MsiRMFilesInUse" />
      <DialogRef Id="PrepareDlg" />
      <DialogRef Id="ProgressDlg" />
      <DialogRef Id="ResumeDlg" />
      <DialogRef Id="UserExit" />

      <Publish Dialog="BrowseDlg" Control="OK" Event="DoAction" 
Value="WixUIValidatePath" Order="3">1</Publish>
      <Publish Dialog="BrowseDlg" Control="OK" Event="SpawnDialog" 

      <Publish Dialog="ExitDialog" Control="Finish" Event="EndDialog" 
Value="Return" Order="999">1</Publish>

      <Publish Dialog="WelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" 
Value="LicenseAgreementDlg">NOT Installed</Publish>
      <Publish Dialog="WelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" 
Value="VerifyReadyDlg">Installed AND PATCH</Publish>

      <Publish Dialog="LicenseAgreementDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" 
      <Publish Dialog="LicenseAgreementDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" 
Value="VerifyReadyDlg">LicenseAccepted = "1"</Publish>

      <Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" 
Value="LicenseAgreementDlg" Order="1">NOT Installed</Publish>
      <Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" 
Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Order="2">Installed AND NOT PATCH</Publish>
      <Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" 
Value="WelcomeDlg" Order="2">Installed AND PATCH</Publish>

      <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceWelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" 

      <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="RepairButton" 
Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
      <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="RemoveButton" 
Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
      <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" 


    <UIRef Id="WixUI_Common" />

2. Substitute your new dialog for LicenseAgreementDlg so you have a Next and 
Back action for it:
      <Publish Dialog=" MyNewDlg " Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" 
      <Publish Dialog=" MyNewDlg " Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" 
Value="VerifyReadyDlg">LicenseAccepted = "1"</Publish> 3. add it to the list of 
<DialogRef Id="MyNewDlg" />
4. make sure you have a Back action for your dialog in the VerifyReadyDlg:
<Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" Value=" 
MyNewDlg " Order="1">NOT Installed</Publish>

5. Add your new "MyNewDlg.wxs" to your project.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony []
Sent: November-06-13 7:36 AM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Modifying a stock WixUI sequence clarification... [P]

I thought that might be the issue as well. I can't find another reference.
So, I made a new solution that only contains a brand new WiX installer project. 
 The same build errors occur.

1. New 2012 solution, single WiX v3.7 (.msi) project 2. Added manufacturer and 
uppper-cased UpgradeCode in the skeleton Product.wxs 3. copied 
WixUI_Minimal.wxs to the project folder and renamed it to 
WiXUI_Minimal_Modified.wxs.  Added WiXUI_Minimal_Modified.wxs to the project.
4. Edited WiXUI_Minimal_Modified.wxs so that its UI element Id now reads <UI 
Id="WixUI_Minimal_Modified"> 5. Added <UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal_Modified"/> to 
Product.wxs 6. Clean/Rebuild, results in these errors...

...\WiXUITester\WixUI_Minimal_Modified.wxs(35,0): error LGHT0094:
Unresolved reference to symbol 'Dialog:ErrorDlg' in section 'Fragment:'.
...\WiXUITester\WiXUITester\WixUI_Minimal_Modified.wxs(36,0): error
LGHT0094: Unresolved reference to symbol 'Dialog:FatalError' in section 

7. Add dll reference to C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset 
v3.7\bin\\WixUIExtension.dll 8. Clean/Rebuild, results in these errors...

...\WiXUITester\WiXUITester\WixUI_Minimal_Modified.wxs(56,0): error
LGHT0091: Duplicate symbol
'ControlEvent:WelcomeDlg/Next/NewDialog/VerifyReadyDlg/Installed AND PATCH'
found. This typically means that an Id is duplicated. Check to make sure all 
your identifiers of a given type (File, Component, Feature) are unique.
error LGHT0092: Location of symbol related to previous error.
...\WiXUITester\WiXUITester\WixUI_Minimal_Modified.wxs(33,0): error
LGHT0091: Duplicate symbol 'Property:WixUI_Mode' found. This typically means 
that an Id is duplicated. Check to make sure all your identifiers of a given 
type (File, Component, Feature) are unique.
error LGHT0092: Location of symbol related to previous error.

I would have expected my above "greenfield" approach to have worked.  Maybe 
some sort of environment thing?

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:34 PM, Blair Murri <> wrote:

> Search your entire installer source code and make sure there isn't 
> another <UIRef> pointing to "WixUI_Minimal" lurking around in there 
> anywhere. You can't reference both.
> > Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 17:26:51 -0500
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Modifying a stock WixUI sequence
> clarification...    [P]
> >
> > Thanks that's what I thought...
> >
> > Here's what I've done...
> >
> > I copied WixUI_Minimal.wxs into my project and renamed it to 
> > WixUI_Minimal_Modified.wxs.  Then I changed the UI's Id attribute to
> read...
> >
> > <UI Id="WixUI_Minimal_Modified">
> >
> > In my Product.wxs I added...
> >
> > <UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal_Modified"/>
> >
> > If I build I get a bunch of errors about missing dialogs (ErrorDlg, 
> > FatalError, etc.).  So, I add a dll reference to WixUIExtension.
> >
> > Now I get a bunch of duplicate symbol errors with WixUI_Minimal.wxs.
> >
> > ...
> > ...\MyProject\WixUI_Minimal_Modified.wxs(70,0): error LGHT0091: 
> > Duplicate symbol
> > 'ControlEvent:WelcomeDlg/Next/NewDialog/VerifyReadyDlg/Installed
> > PATCH' found. This typically means that an Id is duplicated. Check 
> > to
> make
> > sure all your identifiers of a given type (File, Component, Feature) 
> > are unique.
> >
> E:\delivery\Dev\wix37_public\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib\WixUI_Minimal.wxs(56,0):
> > error LGHT0092: Location of symbol related to previous error.
> > ...
> >
> > I must have missed a step somewhere... any ideas?
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Steven Ogilvie 
> ><
> >wrote:
> >
> > > Classification: Public
> > > No you don't need to physically copy the wxs file, you just need 
> > > to
> copy
> > > the <UI element from that wxs file into your code. Then you need 
> > > to add your dialog I.e.
> > > <DialogRef Id="MyNewDlg"/>
> > >
> > > You can substitute your dialog for the LicenseAgreementDlg dialog...
> > >
> > > i.e.
> > >
> > > <UI Id="WixUI_MYCOMPANYInstallDir">
> > >       <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Normal" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" />
> > >       <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Bigger" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="12" />
> > >       <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Title" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="9"
> > > Bold="yes" />
> > >
> > >       <Property Id="DefaultUIFont" Value="WixUI_Font_Normal" />
> > >       <Property Id="WixUI_Mode" Value="InstallDir" />
> > >
> > >       <DialogRef Id="BrowseDlg" />
> > >       <DialogRef Id="DiskCostDlg" />
> > >       <DialogRef Id="ErrorDlg" />
> > >       <DialogRef Id="FatalError" />
> > >       <DialogRef Id="FilesInUse" />
> > >       <DialogRef Id="MsiRMFilesInUse" />
> > >       <DialogRef Id="PrepareDlg" />
> > >       <DialogRef Id="ProgressDlg" />
> > >       <DialogRef Id="ResumeDlg" />
> > >       <DialogRef Id="UserExit" />
> > >
> > >       <Publish Dialog="BrowseDlg" Control="OK" Event="DoAction"
> > > Value="WixUIValidatePath" Order="3">1</Publish>
> > >       <Publish Dialog="BrowseDlg" Control="OK" Event="SpawnDialog"
> > > Value="InvalidDirDlg"
> > > Order="4"><![CDATA[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR_VALID<>"1"]]></Publish>
> > >
> > >       <Publish Dialog="ExitDialog" Control="Finish" Event="EndDialog"
> > > Value="Return" Order="999">1</Publish>
> > >
> > >       <Publish Dialog="WelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog"
> > > Value="LicenseAgreementDlg">NOT Installed</Publish>
> > >       <Publish Dialog="WelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog"
> > > Value="VerifyReadyDlg">Installed AND PATCH</Publish>
> > >
> > >       <Publish Dialog="LicenseAgreementDlg" Control="Back"
> > > Event="NewDialog" Value="WelcomeDlg">1</Publish>
> > >       <Publish Dialog="LicenseAgreementDlg" Control="Next"
> > > Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">LicenseAccepted =
> "1"</Publish>
> > >
> > >       <Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> > > Value="LicenseAgreementDlg" Order="1">NOT Installed</Publish>
> > >       <Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> > > Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Order="2">Installed AND NOT PATCH</Publish>
> > >       <Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> > > Value="WelcomeDlg" Order="2">Installed AND PATCH</Publish>
> > >
> > >       <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceWelcomeDlg" Control="Next"
> > > Event="NewDialog" Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg">1</Publish>
> > >
> > >       <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="RepairButton"
> > > Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
> > >       <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="RemoveButton"
> > > Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
> > >       <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="Back"
> > > Event="NewDialog" Value="MaintenanceWelcomeDlg">1</Publish>
> > >
> > >     </UI>
> > >
> > >     <UIRef Id="WixUI_Common" />
> > >
> > > Steve
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Tony []
> > > Sent: November-05-13 4:43 PM
> > > To: WiX Users
> > > Subject: [WiX-users] Modifying a stock WixUI sequence clarification...
> > >
> > > I'd like to use WixUI_Minimal, but I need to insert one dialog and
> remove
> > > the EULA dialog.  According to the last section of online docs 
> > > found
> here (
> > >
> ns.html
> > > ),
> > > I need to copy WixUI_Minimal.wxs from the Wix source into my 
> > > project
> and
> > > then make the necessary changes.
> > >
> > > Do I need to rename the copied file's UI Id element to something 
> > > other than WiXUI_Minimal in order to prevent a duplicate with the 
> > > WixUIExtension's version?
> > >
> > > --
> > > Tony
> > >
> > >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> > > November Webinars for C, C++, Fortran Developers Accelerate 
> > > application performance with scalable programming models. Explore 
> > > techniques for threading, error checking, porting, and tuning. Get 
> > > the most from the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See 
> > > abstracts and register
> > >
> lktrk
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > WiX-users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > This message has been marked as Public by Steven Ogilvie on
> November-05-13
> > > 4:58:01 PM.
> > >
> > > The above classification labels were added to the message by TITUS
> Message
> > > Classification. For more information visit
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> > > November Webinars for C, C++, Fortran Developers Accelerate 
> > > application performance with scalable programming models.
> > > Explore
> > > techniques for threading, error checking, porting, and tuning. Get 
> > > the
> most
> > > from the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts 
> > > and register
> > >
> lktrk
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > WiX-users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Tony
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> > November Webinars for C, C++, Fortran Developers Accelerate 
> > application performance with scalable programming models.
> Explore
> > techniques for threading, error checking, porting, and tuning. Get 
> > the
> most
> > from the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and
> register
> >
> lktrk
> > _______________________________________________
> > WiX-users mailing list
> >
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------- November Webinars for C, C++, Fortran Developers Accelerate 
> application performance with scalable programming models.
> Explore
> techniques for threading, error checking, porting, and tuning. Get the 
> most from the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts 
> and register 
> lktrk _______________________________________________
> WiX-users mailing list

November Webinars for C, C++, Fortran Developers Accelerate application 
performance with scalable programming models. Explore techniques for threading, 
error checking, porting, and tuning. Get the most from the latest Intel 
processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and register
WiX-users mailing list

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November Webinars for C, C++, Fortran Developers
Accelerate application performance with scalable programming models. Explore
techniques for threading, error checking, porting, and tuning. Get the most 
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