Hello, I try to create a Bootstrapper to install SQL EXPRESS 2012


I have create a custom UI to ask the user to Password and Instancename.


If I put hardcoded the Instancename and Password then it works. But I didn´t
find the correct syntax to use the new Variables. Here are my package




    <!-- Installationsparameter von SQL-Server Express:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/ms144259.aspx -->


    <?define SqlInstallCommand=/ACTION=Install /QS
/RSINSTALLMODE=&quot;FilesOnlyMode&quot; /RSSVCACCOUNT=&quot;NT
AUTHORITY\NetworkService&quot; /RSSVCStartupType=Automatic ?>



<PackageGroup Id ="PG_MsSqlSrv2012Express">


      <ExePackage Id="SQLExpressx64"

                  DisplayName="Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 - Express Edition



                  InstallCommand='$(var.SqlInstallCommand) /SAPWD=[Password]

                  InstallCondition="Not SqlInstanceFoundx64Express AND Not
SqlInstanceFoundExpress AND VersionNT64 AND Package=&quot;ALL&quot;"









If I remove the brackets around Password and InstanceName then the SQL will
installed. But othertime the Log show an “Apply/Cancel” without any helpful


 [04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:01]i000: Loading managed bootstrapper

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:01]i000: Creating BA thread to run

[04D0:0B70][2013-11-18T20:13:01]i000: Setting string variable 'InstanceName'
to value 'SQLEXPRESS110'

[04D0:0B70][2013-11-18T20:13:01]i000: Setting string variable 'Username' to
value 'SA'

[04D0:0B70][2013-11-18T20:13:01]i000: Setting string variable 'Password' to
value 'SuperSQL2012'

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i100: Detect begin, 6 packages

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Registry key not found. Key =
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL'

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Setting numeric variable
'SqlInstanceFoundExpress' to value 0

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Registry key not found. Key =
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL'

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Setting numeric variable
'SqlInstanceFoundExpress' to value 0

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Registry key not found. Key =
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL'

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Setting numeric variable
'SqlInstanceFoundExpress' to value 0

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Registry key not found. Key =
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL'

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Setting numeric variable
'SqlInstanceFoundx64Express' to value 0

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Registry key not found. Key =
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL'

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Setting numeric variable
'SqlInstanceFoundx64Express' to value 0

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Registry key not found. Key =
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL'

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i000: Setting numeric variable
'SqlInstanceFoundx64Express' to value 0

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i102: Detected related bundle:
{2c98b1f7-242f-4daf-870d-6eb15ba7d083}, type: Upgrade, scope: PerMachine,
version:, operation: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i102: Detected related bundle:
{93c55f27-2c71-4096-ab43-3dccc5e1db80}, type: Upgrade, scope: PerMachine,
version:, operation: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i102: Detected related bundle:
{9a3d0056-d397-4931-ada4-92d739cd79c4}, type: Upgrade, scope: PerMachine,
version:, operation: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i102: Detected related bundle:
{aa07a58c-0d74-4a98-aabe-78a09b7c42f9}, type: Upgrade, scope: PerMachine,
version:, operation: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i052: Condition 'SqlInstanceFoundx64'
evaluates to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i052: Condition 'SqlInstanceFound' evaluates
to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i052: Condition 'SqlInstanceFoundx64'
evaluates to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i052: Condition 'SqlInstanceFound' evaluates
to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i052: Condition 'SqlInstanceFoundx64'
evaluates to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i052: Condition 'SqlInstanceFound' evaluates
to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i101: Detected package: SQLExpressx64,
state: Absent, cached: Complete

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i101: Detected package: SQLExpressx86,
state: Absent, cached: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i101: Detected package: SQLExpressx64Only,
state: Absent, cached: Complete

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i101: Detected package: SQLExpressx86Only,
state: Absent, cached: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i101: Detected package: SQLExpressx64RSOnly,
state: Absent, cached: Complete

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i101: Detected package: SQLExpressx86RSOnly,
state: Absent, cached: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:02]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0

[04D0:0B70][2013-11-18T20:13:05]i000: Setting string variable 'Package' to
value 'ALL'

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i200: Plan begin, 6 packages, action:

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i052: Condition 'Not
SqlInstanceFoundx64Express AND Not SqlInstanceFoundExpress AND VersionNT64
AND Package="ALL"' evaluates to true.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]w321: Skipping dependency registration on
package with no dependency providers: SQLExpressx64

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i000: Setting string variable
'WixBundleLog_SQLExpressx64' to value

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i052: Condition 'Not SqlInstanceFoundExpress
AND Not VersionNT64 AND Package="ALL"' evaluates to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]w321: Skipping dependency registration on
package with no dependency providers: SQLExpressx86

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i052: Condition 'Not
SqlInstanceFoundx64ExpressOnly AND Not SqlInstanceFoundExpressOnly AND
VersionNT64 AND Package="MSSQL"' evaluates to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]w321: Skipping dependency registration on
package with no dependency providers: SQLExpressx64Only

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i052: Condition 'Not
SqlInstanceFoundExpressOnly AND Not VersionNT64 AND Package="MSSQL"'
evaluates to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]w321: Skipping dependency registration on
package with no dependency providers: SQLExpressx86Only

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i052: Condition 'Not
SqlInstanceFoundx64ExpressRSOnly AND Not SqlInstanceFoundExpressRSOnly AND
VersionNT64 AND Package="RS"' evaluates to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]w321: Skipping dependency registration on
package with no dependency providers: SQLExpressx64RSOnly

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i052: Condition 'Not
SqlInstanceFoundExpressRSOnly AND Not VersionNT64 AND Package="RS"'
evaluates to false.

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]w321: Skipping dependency registration on
package with no dependency providers: SQLExpressx86RSOnly

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i201: Planned package: SQLExpressx64, state:
Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install,
rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: Yes, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i201: Planned package: SQLExpressx86, state:
Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None,
rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i201: Planned package: SQLExpressx64Only,
state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute:
None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: Yes, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i201: Planned package: SQLExpressx86Only,
state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute:
None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i201: Planned package: SQLExpressx64RSOnly,
state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute:
None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: Yes, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i201: Planned package: SQLExpressx86RSOnly,
state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute:
None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i207: Planned related bundle:
{2c98b1f7-242f-4daf-870d-6eb15ba7d083}, type: Upgrade, default requested:
None, ba requested: None, execute: None, rollback: None, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i207: Planned related bundle:
{93c55f27-2c71-4096-ab43-3dccc5e1db80}, type: Upgrade, default requested:
None, ba requested: None, execute: None, rollback: None, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i207: Planned related bundle:
{9a3d0056-d397-4931-ada4-92d739cd79c4}, type: Upgrade, default requested:
None, ba requested: None, execute: None, rollback: None, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i207: Planned related bundle:
{aa07a58c-0d74-4a98-aabe-78a09b7c42f9}, type: Upgrade, default requested:
None, ba requested: None, execute: None, rollback: None, dependency: None

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0

[04D0:0914][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i300: Apply begin

[04D0:0B70][2013-11-18T20:13:08]i000: Cancelling...

[0700:010C][2013-11-18T20:13:09]i360: Creating a system restore point.

[0700:010C][2013-11-18T20:13:34]i361: Created a system restore point.


Did someone a good idea how I can find out what is wrong? I thing that
should be the right uing of the quotes – but I have try much combinations
and no one works


Freundliche Grüße / Best regards





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