If the users are different so is the temp location. The immediate CA gets
the user's temp path, the system account (no impersonation) uses the
system's temp path. As long as you create the file where both have access,
perhaps you could put the actual path to it in the registry.

Phil Wilson

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Jens Teutenberg <
jens.teutenb...@t-online.de> wrote:

> I want to use a temporary file to transfer data between my immediate
> custom action and my deferred custom action (Impersonate="no"). I use the
> method “Path.GetTempFileName()” to create a unique file in the immediate
> CA. The file will be created but the deferred CA cannot see this file.
> Where I have to place the file to get it working?
> Or is there another solution to transfer the content of a complete own
> table?
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