It was my mistake , I have tried building wix instead of the DevBundle.
I download, compile and install the DevBundle, but the errors with building wix 
are present, that I mentioned below. 

The following actions (here is the source ) fix the 
problems with compilation
Build from elevated prompt once:
msbuild .\tools\OneTimeWixBuildInitialization.proj
Then you can build from unelevated. My guess is that you missed the 64-bit or 
32-bit signing validation disabling.

Now I have another question, or I should create a new thread?

How to create a simple setup.exe which just verifies some components and 
execute msi file that is placed near the setup.exe


Среда,  4 декабря 2013, 9:11 UTC от Blair Murri <>:
>The DevBundle branch doesn’t have any of the tools that crashed for you. 
>There’s no build directory created in the DevBundle branch either. It has an 
>SLN file you can load into Visual Studio (if you have WiX installed already) 
>or build using MSBuild (also requires WiX available) that contains just one 
>WIXPROJ. Are you really sure you are actually in the DevBundle branch?
>Simple way out: under src\packages, just open each folder and install what you 
>find there.
>From: Smagin Alexander
>Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎December‎ ‎03‎, ‎2013 ‎8‎:‎08‎ ‎AM
>To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>Blair, thank you for slarification.
>But when I start building DevBundle, GenerateWixInclude.exe and docfromxsd.exe 
>have crashed. 
>There are exceptions which generated during building. Do you know how to fix 
>Sorry for russian error messages, I can translate if it's necessary.
>"d:\Install\Wix\DevBundle\build\debug\x86\GenerateWixInclude.exe" -nologo 
>"custommsierrors.h" "d:\Install\Wix\DevBundle\build\d
>Необработанное исключение: System.IO.FileLoadException: Невозможно загрузить 
>файл или сборку "GenerateWixInclude, Version=3.0.0
>.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=36e4ce08b8ecfb17" или один из зависимых от 
>них компонентов. Сбой при проверке правильности
>строгого имени. (Исключение из HRESULT: 0x8013141A)
>Имя файла: "GenerateWixInclude, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
>PublicKeyToken=36e4ce08b8ecfb17" ---> System.Security.Securit
>yException: Сбой при проверке правильности строгого имени. (Исключение из 
>HRESULT: 0x8013141A)
>Ошибкой завершилась сборка со следующим параметром Zone:
>"d:\Install\Wix\DevBundle\build\debug\x86\docfromxsd.exe" -out 
>"..\libs\dutil\xsd\thmutil.xsd" "..\tools\wix\Xsd\wix.xsd" 
>"..\tools\wix\Xsd\wixloc.xsd" "..\ext\BalExtension\wixext\Xsd\bal.x
>sd" "..\ext\ComPlusExtension\wixext\xsd\complus.xsd" 
>"..\ext\DependencyExtension\wixext\Xsd\Dependency.xsd" "..\ext\DifxAppExte
>d" "..\ext\PSExtension\wixext\xsd\ps.xsd" 
>"..\ext\TagExtension\wixext\Xsd\tag.xsd" "..
>\ext\UtilExtension\wixext\Xsd\util.xsd" "..\ext\VSExtension\wixext\xsd\vs.xsd" 
>Необработанное исключение: System.IO.FileLoadException: Невозможно загрузить 
>файл или сборку "DocFromXsd, Version=, Cult
>ure=neutral, PublicKeyToken=36e4ce08b8ecfb17" или один из зависимых от них 
>компонентов. Сбой при проверке правильности строгого
>имени. (Исключение из HRESULT: 0x8013141A)
>Имя файла: "DocFromXsd, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
>PublicKeyToken=36e4ce08b8ecfb17" ---> System.Security.SecurityExcepti
>on: Сбой при проверке правильности строгого имени. (Исключение из HRESULT: 
>Ошибкой завершилась сборка со следующим параметром Zone:
>Вторник,  3 декабря 2013, 15:13 UTC от Blair Murri < >:
>>You will need to first install .Net Framework 3.5, recent versions of Visual 
>>Studio (2010 or newer), then build and install the DevBundle branch (you can 
>>remove the DevBundle installer if you wish, all the components it installs 
>>are marked "permanent"). If you install multiple versions of VS, it is 
>>recommended to install them in chronological order (personal experience) with 
>>their latest service packs.
>>Build instructions are (more-or-less) described here (the prerequisites 
>>described are most easily obtained by following my previous instructions):  
>>The biggest missing piece from the above documentation pages is that 
>>tools\OneTimeWixBuildInitialization.proj must be built using MSBuild from an 
>>elevated command prompt at least once on any given build/dev box before you 
>>can build the rest of the toolset (otherwise you will get build errors 
>>starting early on). Also, it is best to build the entire toolset from the 
>>root of the sources (after having built that one project file elevated) 
>>before you descend into sub directories to work/build individual portions. 
>>Running the developer command prompts for Visual Studio usually isn't 
>>necessary, although MSBuild isn't usually in the path. You'll need the v4 
>>MSBuild, which you can add your path yourself, use the developer command 
>>prompt, prepend the MSBuild calls with the path to the tool, or create your 
>>own alias/batch file to call the tool.
>>From: Smagin Alexander
>>Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎December‎ ‎03‎, ‎2013 ‎6‎:‎31‎ ‎AM
>>To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>>Hi people,
>>I want to compile wix from source code, but I didn't find any readme files 
>>"how to comlipe wix".
>>Could any one give suggestions which tools are used and where I can read 
>>anout it?
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