Hi all,

I am using Wix to create a msi package which shall do nothing special than just 
installing a bunch of files to specified locations.

The corresponding snipped of the .wxs file looks like:

  <Fragment Id="ExampleFragmentID">
    <Feature Title="EXAMPLE" />
    <Property Id="FeatureVersion" Value="" />
    <DirectoryRef Id="TARGET">

      <!-- Test assemblies and relevant binaries -->
      <Directory LongName="dir1">
        <Directory LongName="dir2">
            <File LongName="someExample.dll" Source="%BinariesDirectory%" 
MedAssemblyLocation="Default" />

When running the wixproj, I am facing a problem with one of the libraries which 
I want to copy:

MSBUILD : PKG error : ID E6125: *** : File version for Assembly 
'C:\dir1\dir2\someExample.dll' (feature 'EXAMPLE') not found. ... 

I was feeling like wix is checking the file version here, so I looked at it 
(properties -> Details in right-click FS context menu) and this library had an 
empty value in the fields "File version" and "Product version". So I was 
thinking to have catched the issue.

However, I discovered that another assembly was copied successfully even though 
it had also "File version" and "Product version" missing.
The only difference which I could discover between those two libraries is that 
the first one is a .NET assembly while the other is a native code. But this 
cannot make the difference, right?

So what is the root cause for this error? Any ideas? Which "File version" is 
referred in the above stated error message? Is there a way to overcome this?

I am using Wix Toolset v3.8

Help is highly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

With best regards,
Stefan Holpp

Siemens AG
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