a) Yes, that's the restart manager.

 Try reading up on this stuff at
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372059(v=vs.85).aspx (Rob gave me
this link when I was working through something else.) It's tricky and
confusing, took me a day or two of reading, testing and begging for help
here to get a quiet install to quietly install without killing off running
programs. And I'm targeting Windows 7 only.

Do you really need to target XP? It's end of life from Microsoft April 8.
At that point I expect a lot of ISVs to use that as a reason to discontinue
their support. Perhaps you could just punt and tell the user they have to
exit the GUI app if they want the uninstall to work.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 6:01 PM, ashish thomas <ashishptho...@yahoo.co.in>wrote:

> Hi All,
> We are using Wix MSI for doing installation/uninstallation of
> our application. Currently our application is supported from Windows XP and
> above. As a part of uninstallation, we are removing Gui application from
> system
> tray.  But we are finding two different behavior
> for XP vs Non XPS
> Non XP - Vista and Above (eg: Win7) - Here ,when we remove
> uninstall from Add or Remove Programs, gets a pop up that Gui application
> needs
> to closed before continuing the install.  I select "Automatically close
> applications and attempt to restart them
> after setup is complete" and uninstallation is completed successfully and
> everything works fine.
> XP - When I invoke uninstall from Add or Remove Programs, I didn't
> get the pop up that Gui application needs to closed. Uninstallation
> removes all
> the files from the installation directory but application is still seen in
> the
> system tray.
> Here are the questions
> a)      Why the different behavior seen in Windows XP? Is
> it since Restart Manager is not present in XP.
> b)      How can I  get Windows 7 behavior in Windows XP (ie
> getting pop up that Gui application needs to closed)
> c)      In Windows7, how can I prevent "Gui application
> needs to be closed" from not appearing.
> d)      For XP, I have added the below code to remove
> Gui during uninstallation and found working. Can someone please comment if
> I am
> doing correct or something wrong with the below code.
> <InstallExecuteSequence>
>      <!--WixCloseApplications is a built in custom action that uses
> util:CloseApplication below -->
>       <CustomAction="WixCloseApplications"Before="InstallInitialize"/>
>     </InstallExecuteSequence>
>   <util:CloseApplicationId="CloseGui"CloseMessage="yes"Description="Needs
> to close.Sorry about that"
>                            ElevatedCloseMessage="no"RebootPrompt="no"
> Target="Gui.exe"/>
>   </Product>
> What I am basically aiming is the same behavior in both XP
> and Windows7 operating systems.
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