
I'm trying to understand how MSI does decide if to use the cached package or 
the original package I start from.
Therefore I installed one of my packages with version . After that I 
opened the package with Orca and change the product version property to 
and gave the product code a new GUID.

My understanding until now was, that after those changes MSI should consider 
the new package as an upgrade while installing it. But it doesn't.
Upon call the logger say's the following:

[09:44:37:947]: Original package ==> D:\Test.msi
[09:44:37:947]: Package we're running from ==> C:\Windows\Installer\145ea53f.msi

The installation then doesn't generate an error but doesn't install the new 
version either. Instead it starts only reconfigurating version

(Counter check: When I install only the modified version, the correct 
version is registered in the system. So the change itself seems legit)

Does anyone know why this is?
Do I need to change more?
Is it even possible?

kind regards,

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