Thanks for the question. Yes. One is used to set the install location. The
one I'm struggling with is the second one.

Thanks for any help!

-----Original Message-----
From: Pavan Konduru [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 5:37 PM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Use Path from BrowseDlg to Set Registry Value (Not
the Install Path)

Does the user have 2 separate browse dialogs during installation?

-----Original Message-----
From: Amanda Mallinger Reinartz []
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 3:18 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Use Path from BrowseDlg to Set Registry Value (Not the
Install Path)

I'm new to the list (and new to WiX). I've built a few installs, but I have
a new one that is giving me fits.


Can anyone share with me (or point me to a resource or disabuse me of false
notions) how I can set a property (not a Directory property) a user browsed
for (it's a mapped drive)? Why would I want to do this? I need to enable the
user to browse for a second path and then use that path to set a registry
value (no files are installed in this second location during the
installation). Where I'm stuck is updating the property with what the path
the user browsed for. I an error about the property not being in the
Directory table.



I've tried two things (using resources found online), but I've failed at
both of them.

1.       I used a directory browse dialog, but I got the error about the
directory not being in the directory table.

2.       I tried to set a directory property, but I then got an error about
the drive not being local.


I'm sure I'm missing something.

Any guidance is greatly appreciated!



Amanda Mallinger


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