
I've tried creating installer based on WixUI_Mondo dialog set. My setup is
pretty simple, basically I've just added ui reference to WixUI_Mondo. This
works very nicely until I create localization file with culture fi-FI.

After that I'm getting exception

light.exe(0,0): error LGHT0001: Cannot set column 'Attributes' with value
-2147483645 because it is less than the minimum allowed value for this
column, 0.
1> Exception Type: System.InvalidOperationException
1> Stack Trace:
1>   at WixToolset.Data.ColumnDefinition.ValidateValue(Object value)
1>   at WixToolset.Data.Field.set_Data(Object value)
1>   at WixToolset.Binder.LocalizeUI(TableIndexedCollection tables)
1>   at WixToolset.Binder.BindDatabase(Output output, String databaseFile)
1>   at WixToolset.Binder.Bind(Output output, String file)
1>   at WixToolset.Tools.Light.Run()
1>   at WixToolset.Tools.Light.Execute(String[] args)
1> The command exited with code 1.
1> Done executing task "Light" -- FAILED.

I've tracked down that a little bit and it seems that it leads to ErrorDlg
and to control

<Control Id="R" Type="PushButton" X="100" Y="80" Width="56" Height="17"
TabSkip="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUIRetry)">
     <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="ErrorRetry">1</Publish>

Which has been localized in WixUI_fi-FI.wxl like this:

<UI Dialog="ErrorDlg" Control="R" Width="64" />

So my question is am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in Finnish
localization etc?


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