1 Probably not only for transforms but also for other cases in general. 
For example, run bundle with multiple(with different product codes) msi's more 
than once to remove selected msi's from machine. 
Can we do it now and keep a link in P&F?

2 Yeah. I just wanted to ask, why we don't have this model in BA? I think it is 
an easy feature and people won't need to write some classes to parse and store 
these values.
3 Ok. 

01.08.2014, 08:49, "Rob Mensching" <r...@firegiant.com>:
> 1. Sounds like you want support instance transforms. There is a feature 
> request for that.
> 2. The BA is provided the BootstrapperApplicationData.xml with lots of 
> information. If more information is required, we could probably add it.
> 3. You should be able to affect the requested state for the packages from 
> your BA via the PlanPackageBegin. That is the design. If it isn't working 
> it'd be considered a bug.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: serkbugs [mailto:serkb...@yandex.ru]
> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 16:01
> To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multiple Instance installations from wix BA 
> application
> I'm newbie in installers and I can't  say that all things I wanted to have,  
> could be also helpful for other people.
> For now I can remember only a few things:
> For instance, a way to say to the bundle to stay in Programs and Features( 
> P&F) (probably it is possible now but I didnt find any info about it). I 
> wanted to have possibility to run uninstall from P&F for standard 
> installation and for installations with TRANSFORMS=":Ixx". I mean I wanted to 
> have a way to manage this process by myself. I can have a counter for 
> installed instances and remove a bundle link from  P&F with the last 
> uninstalled instance .
> Also, it would be great to have a little bit more info about bundle and which 
> packages/features it contains.To get such info I used approach from this blog 
> http://bit.ly/1s7VPPZ (Part 3).
> Sometimes I wanted to configure install/update/remove process by myself 
> throught setting RequstedState in OnPlanPackageBegin event but it didn't 
> affect Execute(parameter from logs) and it didn't run my msi. I want some 
> methods in Engine/BA to force some things to happen.
> 01.08.2014, 02:13, "Rob Mensching" <r...@firegiant.com>:
>>  What kind of control?
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: serkbugs [mailto:serkb...@yandex.ru]
>>  Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 14:49
>>  To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
>>  Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multiple Instance installations from wix BA
>>  application
>>  Thanx for quick answer.
>>  I will try to do multiinstances in a different way(not through installer).
>>  One comment from my side after a few days trying to start it work.
>>  I think we need a little bit more control of installing process in BA 
>> application.
>>  If I had more control over package detect/apply/etc. proces, I could fix 
>> all problems I had.
>>  31.07.2014, 21:28, "Rob Mensching" <r...@firegiant.com>:
>>>   There is a feature request open for Burn to support multiple instances.
>>>   -----Original Message-----
>>>   From: serkbugs [mailto:serkb...@yandex.ru]
>>>   Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 01:51
>>>   To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>   Cc: Sergey Kozhemyachenko
>>>   Subject: [WiX-users] Multiple Instance installations from wix BA
>>>   application
>>>   Hi,
>>>   Our customer wants to install multiple instances of windows service per 
>>> each service(like SQL server installation with multiple instances).
>>>   I was trying to build a prototype using custom BA 
>>> application(Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Bootstrapper.BootstrapperApplication).
>>>   I've read a lot of topics around  InstanceTransforms in msi and it looks 
>>> like I can start it work from msi with msiexec /i MultiInstance.msi 
>>> MSINEWINSTANCE=1 TRANSFORMS=":I01" but I cannot understand how to run it 
>>> properly from BA.
>>>   Here is some pieces from my prototype.
>>>   Msi(please don't pay attention to extra actions and properties):
>>>   <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";
>>>         xmlns:util="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension";>
>>>       <Product Id="$(var.I00)" Name="$(var.ProductName32)"
>>>   Language="1033" Version="$(var.CurrentVersion)" Manufacturer="Me inc"
>>>   UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeGuid)">
>>>           <Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes"
>>>   InstallScope="perMachine" />
>>>           <MajorUpgrade AllowDowngrades="no" AllowSameVersionUpgrades="yes"
>>>                         DowngradeErrorMessage="You can't downgrade
>>>  this
>>>   application" Schedule="afterInstallExecute" MigrateFeatures="yes"/>
>>>           <MediaTemplate EmbedCab="yes" />
>>>           <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="SetupProjectTest"
>>>   Level="1">
>>>               <ComponentGroupRef Id="ProductComponents" />
>>>           </Feature>
>>>           <Property Id="PATHTOCOPY" Secure="yes"></Property>
>>>           <Property Id="PATHTOCOPYTO" Secure="yes"></Property>
>>>           <Binary Id='CustomAction'
>>>   SourceFile="$(var.TestCustomAction.TargetDir)TestCustomAction.CA.dll"
>>>   />
>>>           <Property Id="PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED" Secure="yes" />
>>>           <Property Id='REINSTALLMODE' Value='amus'/>
>>>           <Property Id='ServiceName' Value='Test Service Name 2'/>
>>>         <Property Id='INSTANCEID' Value='I01'>
>>>           <RegistrySearch Id="InstanceIdSearch" Root="HKLM"
>>>   Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductCode]\$(var.ProductName32)"
>>>   Name="InstanceId" Type="raw" />
>>>         </Property>
>>>           <InstanceTransforms Property='INSTANCEID'>
>>>             <Instance Id='I01' ProductCode='$(var.I01)'
>>>   ProductName='I01'/>
>>>             <Instance Id='I02' ProductCode='$(var.I02)'
>>>   ProductName='I02'/>
>>>             <Instance Id='I03' ProductCode='$(var.I03)'
>>>   ProductName='I03'/>
>>>           </InstanceTransforms>
>>>       </Product>
>>>   ........
>>>   Bundle:
>>>   <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";
>>>        xmlns:util="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension";
>>>        xmlns:bal="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/BalExtension";>
>>>       <Bundle Name="$(var.ProductName)" Version="$(var.CurrentVersion)"
>>>   Manufacturer="$(var.Manufacturer)" UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeGuid)">
>>>         <BootstrapperApplicationRef
>>>   Id="ManagedBootstrapperApplicationHost">
>>>           <Payload
>>>  SourceFile="$(var.TestBootstrapperApplication.TargetDir)BootstrapperC
>>>  o
>>>   re.config"/>
>>>           <Payload
>>>  SourceFile="$(var.TestBootstrapperApplication.TargetDir)TestBootstrap
>>>  p
>>>   erApplication.dll"/>
>>>           <Payload
>>>  SourceFile="$(var.TestBootstrapperApplication.TargetDir)GalaSoft.Mvvm
>>>  L
>>>   ight.WPF4.dll"/>
>>>           <Payload SourceFile="c:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>   v3.7\SDK\Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll"/>
>>>         </BootstrapperApplicationRef>
>>>           <Variable Name="DIR_EXISTS" Value="NO" Persisted="yes"
>>>   Type="string" />
>>>           <Variable Name="PATHTOAPP" Value="c:\program files
>>>   (x86)\SetupProjectTest\" Persisted="yes" Type="string" />
>>>         <Chain>
>>>               <PackageGroupRef Id="NetFx40Web" />
>>>               <PackageGroupRef Id="pkgMsi"/>
>>>           </Chain>
>>>       </Bundle>
>>>   </Wix>
>>>   another bundle file:
>>>    <Fragment>
>>>   ......
>>>     <Variable Name='TRANSFORMS' bal:Overridable="yes"/>
>>>     <Variable Name='MSINEWINSTANCE' bal:Overridable="yes"/> ..........
>>>     <PackageGroup Id="pkgMsi">
>>>               <MsiPackage Id="package32"
>>> SourceFile="$(var.SetupProjectTest.TargetDir)\SetupProjectTest.msi"
>>>                     Vital="yes"
>>>                     LogPathVariable="WixBundleLog_package32"
>>>                     DisplayInternalUI="yes"
>>>                     EnableFeatureSelection="no"
>>>                     SuppressSignatureVerification="yes"
>>>                     ForcePerMachine="yes"
>>>                     InstallCondition="NOT TRANSFORMS"
>>>                 <MsiProperty Name="INSTALLFOLDER"
>>>   Value="[INSTALLFOLDER]"/>
>>>               </MsiPackage>
>>>               <MsiPackage Id="package32Multiple"
>>> SourceFile="$(var.SetupProjectTest.TargetDir)\SetupProjectTest.msi"
>>>                           Vital="yes"
>>>                           LogPathVariable="WixBundleLog_package32"
>>>                           DisplayInternalUI="yes"
>>>                           EnableFeatureSelection="no"
>>>                           SuppressSignatureVerification="yes"
>>>                           ForcePerMachine="yes"
>>>                           InstallCondition="TRANSFORMS"
>>>                 <MsiProperty Name="TRANSFORMS" Value=":I01"/>
>>>                 <MsiProperty Name="MSINEWINSTANCE"
>>>   Value="[MSINEWINSTANCE]"/>
>>>                 <MsiProperty Name="INSTALLFOLDER"
>>>   Value="[INSTALLFOLDER]"/>
>>>               </MsiPackage>
>>>           </PackageGroup>
>>>   I'm using the same msi but with different set of properties depends on 
>>> some settings in BA.
>>>   In BA code I'm trying to ask engine to set state in state I need:
>>>   private void OnPlanPackageBegin(object sender,
>>>   PlanPackageBeginEventArgs e)
>>>           {
>>>              //I have a model of packages and their statuses
>>>               var package = this._bundle.Packages.FirstOrDefault(p =>
>>>   p.Id.Equals(e.PackageId,
>>>  StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
>>>               if (package != null)
>>>               {
>>>                   e.State = package.RequestState; // is set to
>>>   RequestState.Present for packages I want to update
>>>               }
>>>           }
>>>   After I run my bundle.exe for second time and change package state in the 
>>> state I need(also set TRANSFORMS and MSINEWINSTANCE) in OnPlanPackageBegin 
>>> I can see in my logs such strings:
>>>   [14BC:101C][2014-07-31T04:45:25]i201: Planned package:
>>>   package32Multiple, state: Present, default requested: Absent, ba
>>>   requested: None, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache:
>>>   No, dependency: Unregister
>>>   [14BC:101C][2014-07-31T04:45:25]i201: Planned package: package32,
>>>   state: Present, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent,
>>>   execute: Uninstall, rollback: Install, cache: No, uncache: Yes,
>>>   dependency: Unregister
>>>   As far as I understand main problem here that Engine detected package as 
>>> Present and it doesn't matter what I have in "ba requested".
>>>   How can I change this behaviour?
>>>   Are there any ways to say Engine execute action I need(Install, 
>>> uninstall, etc.) ?
>>>   Any help will be really helpful.
>>>   Regards,
>>>   Sergey.
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