A couple of things  to keep in mind:

1. Patches are applied at the feature level, so that entire feature is
patched. If you had separate features you could do a patch install
command with a REINSTALL=<feature being patched> which would leave the
other features alone, assuming they weren't being patched. A patch is
sort of an apply of the changes followed by a repair, so that
component is a candidate for re-install.

2. A condition of "NOT INSTALLED" is incorrect because the property
names are case-sensitive. Maybe that was just a typo in your message.
Phil Wilson

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 6:11 AM, kjk129 <kjk...@coolblue.com> wrote:
> I have a very similar problem.  I've created a single Feature install that
> includes a large set of files to install along with some other components
> such as one to install and modify the web.config.  My new install works
> fine, however my Patch is trying to re-install the component for the
> web.config and it fails.  My Patch file WXS explicitly names only 2
> components to install. ( neither the web.config )
> I tried adding the NOT INSTALLED condition, but that did not change things.
> My understanding is that my Patch file should take care of explicitly
> determining which files to install.  I've used TORCH/PRYO and Product.wixout
> files from the new install folder and the patch folder to produce this MSP
> patch.   I've successfully implemented this with the more simplistic
> examples such as "WiX Patch Example Product".
> Any thoughts on where I am going wrong?
>                 <DirectoryRef Id="MYWEBFOLDER">
>                         <Component Id="WebConfigCmp"
> Guid="B356E039-6930-4703-BAC9-8B07CA2B413C" >
>         <Condition>
> </Condition>
>                                 <File Id="WebConfigFile" KeyPath="yes"
> Source="$(var.SourceDirectory)\web.config" Vital="yes" />
>         <util:XmlFile Id="ModifyRolePassword"
>                          Action="setValue"
>                          Permanent="yes"
> ElementPath="/configuration/appSettings/add[\[]@key='RolePassword'[\]]"
>                          Name="value"
>                          File="[#WebConfigFile]"
>                          Value="[DB_APP_ROLE_PWD]"
>                          SelectionLanguage="XSLPattern"
>                          Sequence="1" />
>                         </Component>
>                 </DirectoryRef>
> My patch WXS looks like this:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
>   <Patch
>       AllowRemoval="yes"
>       Manufacturer="xyz"
>       MoreInfoURL="http://www.usa.com/";
>       DisplayName="HF1"
>       Description="HF1"
>       Classification="Hotfix"
>         >
>     <Media Id="5000" Cabinet="RTM.cab">
>       <PatchBaseline Id="RTM"/>
>     </Media>
>     <PatchFamilyRef Id="PatchFamily"/>
>   </Patch>
>   <Fragment>
>     <PatchFamily Id='PatchFamily' Version='' Supersede='yes'>
>       <PropertyRef Id="ProductVersion"/>
>       <ComponentRef Id="comp_8533AA6FF41A43C6969A14985BB1DD1C" />
>       <ComponentRef Id="WebUI.dll" />
>     </PatchFamily>
>   </Fragment>
> </Wix>
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/Patch-installing-component-with-Not-Installed-condition-tp7580889p7597506.html
> Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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