This seems to work pretty well! Thanks!
Some questions still remain:
1) In Add/Remove Programs I can now see two entries. One from our
company with the name of the msi (containing the inf and everything) and
one from SiLabs (Windows Driver Package - Silicon Laboratories
(silabenm) Ports (date & version)). Is this related to the stuff
regarding Product/@Manufacturer you talked about in the first response?
Other than that I do not have any problems with the manufacturer.
However, I do not like these two entries in ARP. Any way around that?
2) What exactly is this InstallerPlatform property? Does it simply mark
the msi to be for a x64 system so that Windows Installer does not
install it on a x86 system?
3) Do I need to do something else with InstallerProperty except
specifying it in wixproj? Does msbuild or the wix compiler or whatever
take care of it automatically?
4) Do you use both ComponentGroups (CP210x_x64 and CP210x_x86) or do
you somehow conditionally exclude them in the Feature? So that you only
use the one required for the platform?
5) If I understand you right, you are copying the complete driver tree
(inf and everything else) into ProgramFiles\You Company Name on the
target machine and then install it. Is this the common way? It may be
stuff from Silicon Labs is already installed directly from SiLabs or via
another vendor. It is not a problem, but somehow adds waste to the
target machine.
Sorry for the many questions. Guess you already realised that I'm a
newbie to WiX. So a lot of stuff is not clear to me. Although I already
read a lot especially examples with best practices are rare (or I
haven't found them yet).
Best regards

Schüco International KG
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