I am having trouble running a powershell command in my wix installer. I
have a CustomAction defined in my installer that runs a powershell script.

The powershell script is the following:

> $prismName = (Get-AppxPackage -Name PRISMContingency).PackageFamilyName
> C:\Windows\system32\CheckNetIsolation.exe "loopbackexempt" "-a"
> "-n=$($prismName)"

If I run this powershell script from powershell, it works properly assuming
I am running it as administrator. However, it is failing to run that script
properly during installation. When I look at the log file during install, I
see this:

MSI (s) (30:E0) [16:52:23:881]: Executing op:
> CustomActionSchedule(Action=CustomAction.UnblockService,ActionType=3073,Source=BinaryData,Target=CAQuietExec,CustomActionData="C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
> -NoProfile -NonInteractive -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File
> "C:\Program Files (x86)\PRISM Contingency\UnblockService.ps1")
> MSI (s) (30:BC) [16:52:23:897]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL:
> C:\Windows\Installer\MSI8C9B.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
> CAQuietExec:  Error: Invalid Parameters
> CAQuietExec:
> CAQuietExec:  Usage:
> CAQuietExec:     CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt
> CAQuietExec:        List of operations:
> CAQuietExec:            -a  -  Add the AppContainer or Package Family to
> the loopback
> CAQuietExec:                   exempted list.
> CAQuietExec:            -d  -  Delete an AppContainer or Package Family
> from the
> CAQuietExec:                   loopback exempted list.
> CAQuietExec:            -c  -  Clear the list of loopback exempted
> AppContainers and
> CAQuietExec:                   Package Families.
> CAQuietExec:            -s  -  Show a list of loopback exempted
> AppContainers and
> CAQuietExec:                   Package Families.
> CAQuietExec:
> CAQuietExec:        List of arguments:
> CAQuietExec:            -n= - AppContainer Name or Package Family Name.
> CAQuietExec:            -p= - AppContainer or Package Family Security
> Identifier (SID).
> CAQuietExec:            -?  - Displays this help message for the
> LoopbackExempt module.
> CAQuietExec:

It is almost as if the command for CheckNetIsolation isn't formed
correctly, but when I run the script myself I am not getting this problem.
Any ideas why the command arguments could be malformed?
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