Classification: Public
There was code from NetFxChainer.cpp (CreateNetFxChainer):
hr = StrAllocFormatted(&sczName, L"%ls_mutex", wzEventName);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to allocate memory for mutex name");

    // Create the mutex, we initially own
    pChainer->hMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, sczName);

so I was trying that...

it seems nothing is working... I have a MSI running and installing, another MSI 
pops up an error message that another MSI is running but my code isn't working, 
it isn't getting ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS


-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Wilson []
Sent: January-27-15 1:25 PM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] seeing if a MSI is running using mutex...

I'll put it this way: I don't understand why you're not passing the string 
LPCWSTR sczMutexName = L"Global\\_MSIExecute"; into CreateMutex().  Why the 
StrAllocFormatted call?

Also it's only locked during the execute sequence, and I don't know how you're 
testing it.

Phil Wilson

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 10:08 AM, StevenOgilvie <> wrote:
> What is the actual MSI mutex?
> Thanks
> Steve
> From: Phil Wilson [via Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 12:59
> To: StevenOgilvie
> Subject: Re: seeing if a MSI is running using mutex...
> It appears that your CreateMutex isn't passing in the actual MSI mutex 
> in sczMutexName .
> ---------------
> Phil Wilson
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 7:51 AM, StevenOgilvie <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Trying to create a method to detect if ANY MSI is running and if so 
>> halt bootstrapper...
>> I am doing this in C++
>> I get a successful mutex, but it always returns ERROR_SUCCESS, what 
>> am I doing wrong?
>> thanks
>> Steve
>> HANDLE ghMutex = NULL;
>> LPCWSTR sczVerifyMSIRunningVariableSet = L"0"; LPWSTR 
>> sczVerifyMSIRunningVariable = NULL; LPWSTR 
>> sczUnformattedVerifyMSIRunningVariable = NULL; LPCWSTR sczMutexName = 
>> L"Global\\_MSIExecute"; LPWSTR sczName = NULL; BOOL MutexExist = 
>> // get the bootstrapper variable to change hr = 
>> &sczUnformattedVerifyMSIRunningVariable);
>>         BalExitOnFailure1(hr, "Failed to get MSI running variable: 
>>         hr = BalFormatString(sczUnformattedVerifyMSIRunningVariable,
>> &sczVerifyMSIRunningVariable);
>>         BalExitOnFailure1(hr, "Failed to format get MSI running variable:
>> %ls", sczUnformattedVerifyMSIRunningVariable);
>> hr = StrAllocFormatted(&sczName, L"%ls", sczMutexName);
>>         ::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd, (LPCWSTR)sczName, 
>> (LPCWSTR)m_pTheme->sczCaption, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
>>         // check to see if any MSI is running
>>         ghMutex = ::CreateMutex(
>>         NULL,                   // default security attributes
>>         FALSE,                  // initially not owned
>>         sczName);               // product name
>>         if (ghMutex != NULL)
>>         {
>>             ::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd, L"ghMutex was not null", 
>> (LPCWSTR)m_pTheme->sczCaption, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
>>             switch (GetLastError())
>>             {
>>                 case ERROR_SUCCESS:
>>                     // Mutex created successfully. There is no 
>> instance running
>>                     ::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd, L"ghMutex: Mutex created 
>> successfully. There is no instance running FALSE", 
>> (LPCWSTR)m_pTheme->sczCaption, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
>>                     MutexExist = FALSE;
>>                     break;
>>                 case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS:
>>                     // Mutex already exists so there is a running instance
>>                     ::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd, L"ghMutex: Mutex already 
>> exists so there is a running instance TRUE", 
>> (LPCWSTR)m_pTheme->sczCaption, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
>>                     MutexExist = TRUE;
>>                     break;
>>                 default:
>>                     // Failed to create Mutex by unknown reason
>>                     ::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd, L"ghMutex: Failed to create 
>> Mutex by unknown reason FALSE", (LPCWSTR)m_pTheme->sczCaption, MB_OK
>>                     MutexExist = FALSE;
>>                     break;
>>                     }
>>         }
>>         if (MutexExist)
>>         {
>>             sczVerifyMSIRunningVariableSet = L"1";
>>         }
>> // a MSI is installing
>>         hr =
>> m_pEngine->SetVariableString(LPCWSTR(sczVerifyMSIRunningVariable),
>> sczVerifyMSIRunningVariableSet);

This message has been marked as Public by Steven Ogilvie on January-27-15 
1:56:22 PM.

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