Hi, I keep getting the same error message while trying to create my own
custom feature tree.

I'm currently using the SelectionTree type which displays which features I
want to install, however on clicking the icon to decide wherever to install
or not, instead of seeing where to install the programme (ususally C drive
for example) it keeps displaying !!UIText Table Missing!! this is the same
when i check disk usage when using the following;

 <Control Id="DiskCost" Type="PushButton" X="15" Y="200" Width="70"
Height="25" Text="!(loc.CustomizeDlgDiskCost)">
        <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="DiskCostDlg">1</Publish>
        <Subscribe Event="SelectionNoItems" Attribute="Enabled" />

Any suggestions as to what I've done wrong or I am missing
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