I am trying to get the files from a project using heat, with the following
command in my prebuild:


"$(WIX)bin\heat.exe" project
"$(SolutionDir)Development\Armada\Armada.vbproj" -cg LoanProFiles -pog
Binaries -pog Satellites -ag  -g1 -dr INSTALLLOCATION -var
env.LoanProFilesDir -out "$(ProjectDir)Fragments\LoanProFiles.wxs"


The LoanProFilesDir has been set in the Build as:



Building the project gives me an error:

Error      3              Undefined preprocessor variable
C:\Development\Armada\Deployment\LoanPro User
Setup\Fragments\LoanProFiles.wxs          25           1
LoanPro User Setup


The fragment file containing this error is:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>


        <DirectoryRef Id="Armada.Binaries" />



        <ComponentGroup Id="Armada.Binaries">

            <ComponentRef Id="cmpDCD23B26883639A8B0C17A5083B47DF5" />

            <ComponentRef Id="cmp1F56D97B4183FB48E1ECC1ABE2BF2D4E" />




        <DirectoryRef Id="Armada.Satellites">

            <Directory Id="dirE8F5E505CA71D6FA555950B3B44F3F64" Name="fr-CA"




        <ComponentGroup Id="Armada.Satellites">

            <ComponentRef Id="cmpA66B167DC3F17D0D2EBC085CFC040509" />




        <ComponentGroup Id="LoanProFiles">

            <Component Id="cmpDCD23B26883639A8B0C17A5083B47DF5"
Directory="Armada.Binaries" Guid="*">

                <File Id="filFDCBF7564F8EDBE2F005B5219B174746"
Source="$(var.Armada.TargetDir)\LoanPro.exe" />


            <Component Id="cmp1F56D97B4183FB48E1ECC1ABE2BF2D4E"
Directory="Armada.Binaries" Guid="*">

                <File Id="fil1E6E04076A9893D06C8C9C14CEA5C21A"
Source="$(var.Armada.TargetDir)\LoanPro.exe.config" />


            <Component Id="cmpA66B167DC3F17D0D2EBC085CFC040509"
Directory="dirE8F5E505CA71D6FA555950B3B44F3F64" Guid="*">

                <File Id="fil28EC69E211F4495FF963AF17DEE58524"
Source="$(var.Armada.TargetDir)\fr-CA\LoanPro.resources.dll" />






My assumption is that the $(var.Armada.TargetDir) is supposed to be replaced
by $(env.LoanProFilesDir) but this does not seem to be happening.  This is
my first attempt to build an installer, following the steps outlined here: 



Also, the original product name had a name space of Armada which we are now
trying to externally package as LoanPro.  Is this part of the problem?  The
Solution that this package and the original source code is running under is
also called Armada.


Any suggestions as to how I can make this work?


Thanks, Neil


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