Mark Tiefenbruck <mark <at>> writes:
> Either I opened it from a terminal (which can't possibly know whether
> a command it runs will open a window) or from a keybinding (ditto),
> and I opened it because I wanted to use it.
Maybe a terminal can know?  I presume it can at least work out the pid of
whatever is running in the foreground, as it displays the command line in the
menu bar, so it should be able to notify the WM that it is willing to donate its
focus to a window owned by that particular pid or a child.

I hadn't really thought about the keybinding case.  If it is the WM that is
starting the applications then it can immediately give the focus to the
not-yet-created application, but as soon as the user clicks on something else
remove it and not give it back.  I suppose this is my real complaint - it
happens so often that I start several new applications when I first boot up,
some of which pop up password boxes.  Then the others pop up at random times and
steal my focus.  In the worst case, I once typed a password into a public chat
room.  I am OK with a new window being given the focus in advance as soon as it
is started, but as soon as I have focussed something else, I want it to loose
that privilege.



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