
== Background ==
I am working on a screenshot application for Linux and one of the main
features of my application is that you should only have to take a
screenshot once, and that all adjustments can be done afterwards. In
order to do this, I take screenshots of each individual window and
stitch them together.

Whilst this works for some window managers, like Metacity, for some
compositing managers, such as Compiz, getting window contents and window
frame with XGetImage doesn't make sense technically and doesn't work.

When I spoke to the guy behind Compiz (smspillaz), he recommended an
API, through NetWM, that would allow a client application to request a
screenshot from the window manager, that would include the window frame.

Now I don't know much about NetWM, but I would really like to get
something like this in, so that I could make my application a reality
for all window managers, so I hope I can get some dialog going on this.


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