On 10/26/2012 10:12 AM, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 04:26:20PM -0400, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:
_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN_EXCLUSIVE indicates that the Window Manager
MUST change the resolution of the window's screen to one that most
closely matches the window's current dimensions. If no available
resolution matches exactly, the Window Manager MUST select the
closest available resolution larger than the window. The Window
Manager MUST center the window within the new resolution, remove any
window decorations, retain its original geometry, and grant that
window input focus. If the chosen resolution does not match the
window geometry, the Window Manager MUST obscure the rest of the
screen so that the window is the only thing visible. If there is no
resolution that can completely contain the window's undecorated
geometry, the Window Manager MUST refuse to allow this hint.
Should the window manager also constrain the pointer to the area inside
the window, or is that the client window's responsibility?
Regarding centering, in the case of a multiple monitor layout, say two
1920x1200 monitors providing 3840 x 1200 total screen size, if a game
can run at 1920x1200 (but nothing larger), then shouldn't it occupy
either the left or right monitor rather than be centered half on each?
(Presumably it should be whichever screen the game was launched from?)
Should this case be handled by turning off unneeded displays to reduce
the desktop to 1920x1200, or by leaving the displays on but obscuring

2ยข from casual gamer:

* filling a single monitor window is the expected behavior.
* user should be able to choose which monitor the game runs on (on Windows, one monitor is designated as primary desktop, and a game is usually expected to fill that monitor; being able to fill a different monitor was not a hard requirement) * turning off other displays is usually NOT desired: if the game is not using them, I would expect to be able to use a 2nd/3rd/etc. monitor to display something else (reference information for the game, or maybe email client/notification widget/etc.). If the user doesn't need to use the extra monitors, she can turn them off manually.


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