On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 11:21:44 AM CET Allison Ryan Lortie wrote:
> I understand that this doesn't correspond exactly to your original
> intention with this addition,

no it's worse: it makes the part which I wanted to fix impossible. Which would 
mean that:
a) I scratch what I wanted to fix
b) willfully break the spec
c) add a KDE specific additional property to get what I wanted in the first 

> but I think your original intent is
> unrealisable: you will either have many apps that provide nothing at
> all,

which is fine! This is an optional flag. It's not a requirement. The proposal 
(after Thomas update) will say that the window MUST NOT specify the desktop 
file if it doesn't know it. If it cannot be matched to a desktop file: that's 

> or you will have some apps that provide something other than the
> desktop file name.

This would be a clear violation of the spec. Adding a requirement to add DBus 
to it, will not fix windows ignoring the spec and passing in wrong data.

> This is the same problem as the previous attempt to solve this problem:
> there was a proposal at some point that the wmclass should be equal to
> the name of the desktop file.  For many apps this was true, but coverage
> was never 100%.

Right, because you cannot change the meaning of an existing property and then 
assume that it will work. Because of that I propose a new additional protocol 
applications can opt-in to when they can provide the information.


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