On 26.01.2012 17:14, Rodolfo kix Garcia wrote:

the problem was that the upstream developer of fsviewer (and wterm)
don't replied the mails. Is missing in action, and for this reason the
package cannot be updated. This was a problem because fsviewer requires
libwmaker0-dev, and without libwmaker0-dev the wmaker package cannot be
in testing. My idea wasn't remove the packages, but I didn't have other
option. I talked about this with two Debian Developers, and they say the
same; contact with the upstream, if he don't reply think if you want to
be the new upstream, else, create a package remove request.

I see.

There are two different options now:

1. Include the libwmaker0-dev package in the upstream of fsviewer. Then
the package libwmaker0-dev is provided by fsviewer source package.
2. Remove the libwmaker0-dev functions of fsviewer (rewrite fsviewer),
therefore the package fsviewer won't need libwmaker0-dev

In both cases, probably you will be the new upstream. I didn't have more

Well, before being new upstream, I have to manage to compile it. Where do I get an up-to-date libwmaker0-dev? It does not seem to be in Debian as a package of its own...

If I can compile it, maybe I am able to rewrite the code that depends on it...

time for these packages (and I don't use them).

I know. I am really grateful that you maintain the Debian wmaker package! Really!

Best regards
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    Andreas Tscharner        a...@vis.ethz.ch
   http://www.vis.ethz.ch/~andy   ICQ-No. 14356454

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