Would it be possible to actually do some effects in the desktop. In it's day the effects it did were host stuff. Remember solid windows when moving was an effect.
It would be nice to have things like:
* Push Window to edges of screen to fill halves of the screen. (And seen the animation of it!)
* Alt tab shows actual windows rather than icons.
* Shadow on windows and grouping of windows.
* Icon or cool notifications in the Iconfied windows.
* Sliding effect when moving between desktops
* Logout and login fadeout and fade in.
* Fade-in and out of icons on close and open
* Softer edges on window borders
* fade-in or fade our on window open and close or other effect

I know many of you like the snapy feeling of this desktop. But these effects can be done without compromising alot of processer. Effects can help the user better feel in control of there environment and that's what I want to see. I am not saying we need a framework with piles of effects and options. But on and off would satisfy both worlds.
What are the groups thoughts on this?
Next wasn't made to be the same forever, it was made to be the next thing in the computing world. I feel changes like this help use get in the right direction.
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