Michael wrote:
> So, only-users are more or less ignored ?

No, only-users bring up good ideas, and if a coder likes it, they will
code it up and it gets added. Open source tends to be a do-acracy, where
those that do something get their will done.

A key trick is to motivate one of the do-ers to do what you want. In the
commercial world, it is done by dangling money in front of the
developers, or those that pay the developers.

> This is actually not so worse for me - most statements in the original
> thread seem to reflect my personal view anyway. I think anyone who
> likes Windowmaker, and really works with it, must match some main
> ideals, at least to some degree. There is a common foundation. But
> this does not mean it's totally congruent, and i am sure you will pick
> up the discussion some day....but, i understood it is not my talk, and
> i should redraw from this list. Does anyone know if wmaker user list
> is still active ? But honestly, if you do not look so hard for user
> feedback, i am unsure if i should sign there.

I don't have the number of subscribers, but I can say the activity level
is low. -dev definately has the majority of posts, and the traffic is
low enough that no one feels the need to redirect -user-esque questions
off to -user.


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