I got this bug too,
this happen when the application uses a startup script, and the binary
is in another place outside of the user PATH
I was thinking about it, the Unity uses *.desktop files as reference
for applications
should we start thinking about using it too ?
instead of using WMHINTS, I think we should get closer to the
freedesktop model and use the *. desktop.

2012/2/15 Juan Giordana <juangiord...@gmail.com>:
> Hello again,
> I reported this a while ago [1]. Maybe someone wants to check it out.
> When some applications are started from shell scripts or symbolic
> links, instead of being launched from their own binary files, the
> value of the field "Application path and arguments" in the settings
> dialog of their AppIcon is set to the destination of these
> links/scripts, instead of the "appropriate" command.
> Examples:
> /usr/bin/opera -> Is actually a shell script that opens /usr/lib64/opera/opera
> /usr/bin/firefox -> Is a symbolic lync to /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox
> /usr/bin/thunderbird -> Is a symbolic lync to
> /usr/lib64/thunderbird/thunderbird which is a script that calls to
> /usr/lib64/thunderbird/thunderbird-bin
> /usr/bin/chromium -> @/usr/lib64/chromium-browser/chromium-launcher.sh
>  -> /usr/bin/chromium-browser -> ....
> Basing me on the thunderbird example, after docking this application,
> when I double-click ot I get a popup dialog with the legend 'Cannot
> execute command "thunderbird-bin".'
> $ wmaker --version
> Window Maker 0.95.2
> Regards.
> [1] http://lists.windowmaker.org/dev/msg01626.html
> --
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Renan Vedovato Traba
Aluno de Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação
pela Universidade Federal do Paraná

Linux Register n°: 525911

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