On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 at  0:23:41 +0000, SJS wrote:
> The problem statement, as I understand it, is that there's not enough cool
> stuff readily accessible on a default installation from a major distribution
> to get the attention of the ADD crowd.

It's not "cool" stuff. I worry about two things only. Mounting external
media and connecting to a wireless network. And I see a lot of people
spreading wrong information about this, that if you use wmaker you
have to give up the confort of an easy way to do that.

That's why I wrote the advertisement on www.windowmaker.org/docs.php

And the only reason I "care" about this is because I think it might
help attracting a few new users.

But hey, it seems difficult to convince others about this. And
that's not something that I can solve myself. So I'll stop now.

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