On 03/08/2012 08:46 PM, Rodolfo kix Garcia wrote:
> I will try to explain how the menu is implemented in Debian. I spent a
> lot of time to understand it.
Thanks, there is no need for any explanation, i am aware about how it
works. I just chose to use the menu system in a much different way than
the current standard implementation of the Debian packages works, more
or less, since ever. I know this because i use the Debian Window Maker
package since even before Marcelo E. Magallon started maintaining it in
1997 (you will even find an entry from 2005 in the Debian changelog
mentioning my name).

While you did some worthwhile modifications to Debian wmaker packages
recently, it is in my humble opinion still far away from being user
friendly. This is where my efforts are mainly concentrated on, and what
i suggest for your consideration as official Debian maintainer.

Did you try out and use my menu implementation for some reasonable time
to actually understand how it reuses the wmaker menu-method generated
Debian menus? Please do and try to understand what i actually try to
accomplish from, and this is important here, a human interface design
point of view.

> 1. When the user run wmaker the fist time, the wmaker script copy the
> configuration to $HOME/GNUstep. One ot these files is WMRootMenu, and
> this file only contains one line: "menu.hook".
Which is fundamentally wrong, for a start, because it is not even
remotely manageable with the WPrefs menu editor. Try it, and you will be
confronted with an error message and the choice to switch to another
standard menu, which is in no way related to Debian. In my (not so)
humble opinion, this is the exact opposite of user friendliness.

This effectively means that the Debian menu implementation of the wmaker
package is not really well integrated with the actual Window Maker
possibilities provided via WPrefs. While the reverse might hold true,
having made wmaker fit to Debian, it unfortunately cripples the true and
full potential Window Maker is actually able to provide.

> 2. When the wmaker script launch the wmaker binary, WindowMaker opens
> WMRootMenu, and find the line "menu.hook". Then, search this file in the
> configuration paths (/usr/share/WindowMaker, /etc/GNUstep/Defaults,..).
> Then, the menu.hook file is found.
> 3. wmaker reads the menu.hook file and creates the Root Menu.
And the user has no direct control over its contents, but only indirect
influence by manipulating his own private .menu/* sub directory. And
this also only when creating and using his own private menu.hook file.
And only a technical user like you and me would actually bother doing
that, but not normal people without any technical background.

Still not at all convincing as a viable user friendly menu setup for
Window Maker. We can do much better, even very much better.

> 1. When a new application is installed, it creates a new menu file under
> /usr/share/menu/applicationname
> 2. The debian postinst script of the application runs /etc/menu-method/*
> to refresh the menu files. One of the scripts in /etc/menu-method is
> /etC/menu-methos/wmaker. This file refresh the file menu.hook, and
> includes the new application.
In its raw primitive glory, the developer produced menu file entries
ultimately constitute rather a chaos, because all of them together
create a heterogeneous hodge podge of a menu, which definitely lacks an
easily usable common sense layout.

As an extreme but typical example, for the command line calculator 'bc',
which no normal user would ever bother about, the standard Debian menu
file create a nested menu section named 'Science > Mathematics > bc'. It
consists of nothing more than just opening a terminal with this command
line tool running in it. The same for utilities like 'dc', 'units' and
'wcalc'. Menu entries with such characteristics are typically
elimininated from the Window Maker Live menus, since they don't merit an

Are these examples really worth an entry in a user oriented menu?
Wouldn't someone who knows about and actually uses 'bc' (i do at times)
rather type the command in a running terminal window?

What about the much more common 'ssh' command?

Wouldn't any sane user of any command line tool like ssh rather use an
open terminal to run that program, if not only for catching an error
message in case something inadvertedly goes wrong?

Wouldn't a normal user not rather prefer to use a GUI application over
ssh, like for example putty, which he already knows from that infamous
other OS which he has to use at work? This definitely merits a menu entry.

There are dozens of other sample cases like these for the Debian menu
files, and nobody does anything about it. Ubuntu finally did, and became
popular as the "Linux for human beings". And i think in the context of
the customized Debian variant 'Window Maker Live' it makes lots of sense
to get rid of all this accumulated user hostile cruft.

> 3. If an application is removed, the postrm script removes the
> /usr/share/menu/applicationname file and the /etc/menu-mehtod/wmaker
> script creates a new menu.hook file
A very nice mechanism indeed, if these menu files only were not such an
inhomogeneous chaos! From a technical point of view this is very well
done, but from the perspective of good human interface design it is just
unmodeled raw material which needs someone to properly shape it.

This is what Ubuntu did finally right, and i don't think that Window
Maker Live does any worse. But it would be much nicer if this would
already be as well shaped already in the Debian Window Maker packages.

> Then, the menu.hook file has always a list of the installed
> applications, and the user don't need to edit the menu. If the user
> wants to change their menu, can edit the WMRootMenu file (vim, emacs or
> WPrefs :-) ).
With all due respect, but this is just yet another sample of a
developers' narrow view of computer interaction. What might be a
perfectly fine approach for users like you and me, is not a very
attractive approach for users without any kind of informatics
background, and should be avoided like the plague.

Even technical people in the end get tired of doing such things over and
over again, which could easily be solved once and for all. It is a pity
that instead developers appear to be abandoning the ship before reaching
the final destination.

Normal people want to use their computer for their own purposes, and
they definitely do not want to bother configuring any such low level
aspects before they can even think about their own tasks. They'd rather
switch to Ubuntu or buy a Mac instead.

You also forget that with the Debian delivered standard root menu the
fantastic WPrefs menu editor can't fulfill its promise, because it is
not designed to work with it. In this regard the Debian created root
menu is absolutely counter productive.

This is not something a Window Maker user should be prepared to expect
when trying the Debian packages. No wonder if people rather prefer one
of the full blown desktop environments if the standard Debian Window
Maker configuration is not even remotely cooperative right from the start.

The promise and richness of Window Maker is a very user friendly user
interface. But if it is not properly configured right from the start,
like it currently still(!) isn't in Debian, than only more technical
users will be able to somehow handle it.

> IMO, it the best way to maintain a WindowMaker root menu for a system.
> If the users wants a different file, they can copy the contents of
> menu.root to their WMRootMenu file and edit it.
A normal non-technical user expects to be able to not have to bother
about things called "menu.hook", but to just use the WPrefs menu editor
to modify the existing menu without any hassle. It is not too hard to
make this possible, as my menu implementation amply proves.

> Other windowmanagers/desktop environments uses /etc/menu-methos to
> generate their menus too.
My menu implementation also reuses the update-menus generated menu.hook
file, but applying it as a customized (=user friendly) applications sub
menu. This is a very good compromise. Try it out, try to understand what
i am intending to accomplish, and think about it.

NeXTSTEP was a milestone in usability during its time, and Window Maker
definitely holds similar promise, but only if properly configured right
from the beginning. If any distribution delivered package is not
managing to fulfill the existing Window Maker potential, it does not
only not serve its users as well as it actually could, but ultimately
does a disservice to its upstream developers efforts. Think about it!



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