On Sun, 24 Jun 2012, "Rodolfo "kix" Garc?a " wrote:
I am not using OS X, but probably you should install XCode, GCC, or
MacPorts to do it.

Apparently it's in MacPorts, see:


(albeit not the latest version) so it's probably the easiest to try that first. After that you might try to update the portfile to the latest version or fix any errors you encounter, see how to make a local version of the port you can work on here:


It's also in fink (but no binary since 10.5):


But maybe unless you use X11 in a full root window on OS X, Window Maker might not be that useful because normally the Aqua WM will manage X apps. (I may be wrong though, I've never tried Window Maker on OS X.)


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