On Mon, 09 Sep 2013, BALATON Zoltan escribió:

> On Mon, 9 Sep 2013, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:
> >- The Dock, Clip and Drawers are 'per-workspace', so are included
> >in the workspace variable.
> I don't get this. The Dock is the same for all workplaces but the
> clip isn't (at least the app icons attached to it are different on
> differrent work spaces). Why does it make sense to have a global
> clip instead of per workspace ones? I haven't tried drawers yet but
> I expect them to be different on different work spaces too. I
> haven't looked at the code, just trying to understand it
> conceptually.

Hi Zoltan,

yes, I had this idea, only one Dock, multiple Clips. Currently, only the clip 
image is shared between the different Clips. But is not true, see below.

My aim is that the Clip, Drawer and the Dock will be the same internal object, 
but if it is the Clip, then it has some properties active and if it is the 
Dock, others. Same for the Drawers. Then the code is easier.  Ok, continue.

The last week I asked about why in the screen.c file, some code initilize more 
than one Dock. The reply was about the possibility of having multiple monitors, 
with different workspaces, and then different Docks.

Then, the code will be something like, if we have one or more workspaces, but 
all uses the same Dock, no problem, we have one Dock object in the Workspace[0] 
and the other workspaces has pointers to that Dock. If we have multiple 
workspaces, with different Docks, then, we have different objects.

I don't know if we want this, but is the current behaviour. I have one patch 
here with the Dock struct moved to wks_nfo (not to the workspace struct), so, 
this patch only creates one Dock. I tested it here without problems, with 
multiple monitors and XRandR, without problems. But, we lost the multiple docks 
for multiple workspaces. I did this patch because currently the code in the 
wmaker start process binds the dock to the screen, not to the workspace, and I 
need rewrite some code to change the wmaker start process to create the screen, 
create the workspaces with the docks, and then bind them. I cannot do that yet, 
because I have problems with the dock menu (they need the WScreen struct, and I 
need indpendency with the screen to do it).

Best regards,

> Regards,
> BALATON Zoltan

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