I am out now.

Replace the variable with (void *)?

"Carlos R. Mafra" <crma...@gmail.com> escribió:
>On Sat,  5 Oct 2013 at 11:36:00 +0100, Iain Patterson wrote:
>> Quoth Carlos R. Mafra,
>> >switchpanel.c: In function 'wSwitchPanelSelectFirst':
>> >switchpanel.c:673:18: warning: variable 'tmpwin' set but not used
>> >[-Wunused-but-set-variable]
>> >[...]
>> >which looks bogus. Is there any compiler food for this case?
>>   It is indeed bogus.  The variable is used in WM_ITERATE_ARRAY().
>> However the compiler is trying very hard to be smarter than me,
>> which isn't difficult at the best of times.
>>   I tried declaring tmpwin as volatile but that didn't fool it.  I
>> tried initialising tmpwin explicitly but the compiler still
>> complained that I wasn't doing anything useful with tmpwin.  The
>> only way I could silence the warning was by inserting some pointless
>> redundant code like "if (tmpwin == wwin) tmpwin = NULL;" to fool the
>> compiler.  That's ugly and pretty stupid.
>>   And annoying because gcc is wrong; the variable is not unused at
>>   Another answer might be to copy wwin to tmpwin then reuse wwin in
>> WM_ITERATE_ARRAY() and return tmpwin at the end of the function.
>> Again, inelegant as well as inconsistent with other uses of tmpwin
>> inside iterations elsewhere in the code.
>>   I see three choices.
>>   1. Wait for someone who knows more about compiler innards to tell
>> us the "right" thing to do.
>>   2. Accept that the code compiles with warnings on the basis that
>> we know why the warning is issued and understand that it is not a
>> valid complaint.
>>   3. Burn some CPU cycles with pointless code that tricks gcc into
>> being wrong about being wrong, therefore right.
>>   As an aside, I compile with clang and it didn't complain, so
>> thanks for bringing the gcc warning to my attention.
>Thanks Iain for the effort and reporting back!
>Looks like 1. is the best option for now.
>I hope there are more people using the --enable-silent-rules option for
>'configure' and seeing these things.
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