Hi everyone,

A little over a year ago, there was some discussion about what to do in 
regards to the dockapps repo and hosting tarballs [1].  Most users 
either install their distribution's package or build the source directly 
from git, but package maintainers for the various distros need nice 
official tarballs to download.  Some good ideas were thrown around, but 
nothing really happened.

As I am the Debian maintainer for several of these dockapps, this is an 
issue that interests me.  In the past, I've just created little 
Sourceforge projects for each one, but I don't really feel like that's a 
good solution.  These things should stay centralized and under the 
control of the Window Maker team.  I have a proposal.

First, we tag every version of each dockapp in the repo.  This was 
recently done for wmix-3.2.  I've spent some time over the past few days 
doing all the legwork and figuring out which version goes with each 
commit.  I've attached a script which will tag everything. (Note that 
the majority of packages have one corresponding tag -- the first commit 
in the repo.)

Next, we add a "dockapps" section to windowmaker.org that serves as a 
frontend to the git repo.  It would serve essentially the same purpose 
as dockapps.windowmaker.org did, but instead of hosting actual tarballs, 
it would link to snapshots from repo.or.cz for the corresponding tags.

Note that I'm willing to do all of the work here.  :)  I've already 
coded the basic structure and copied descriptions, images, etc. from 
archive.org's copy of dockapps.windowmaker.org.  You can see my work so 
far at [2].  It remains to write a script to get the correct sha1 for 
each tag and create the download links.

What does everyone think?


[1] http://lists.windowmaker.org/dev/thrd49.html#04770
[2] http://friedcheese.org/dockapps
git tag AlsaMixer.app-0.1 f331064eae676b1352d91cc7db1ad87acea63975
git tag Temperature.app-1.5 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmMatrix-0.2 902e9790e62121a8053967c4571e5399b4526103
git tag wmSMPmon-3.1 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmacpi-1.34 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmacpiload-0.1.2 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmauda-0.8 cdd7c69452bbe065291ab2873c8bda4cc24fd6a0
git tag wmbatteries-0.1.3 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmbiff-0.4.27 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmbutton-0.6.1 6dcdbf0e6e33b5ba357605ff30d69fdde7c48bd7
git tag wmbutton-0.7.0 6f2ffca0e2251adf1366c7194ba99cf905965b2f
git tag wmCalClock-1.25 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmcalendar-0.5.2 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmckgmail-1.1 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmcpuload-1.0.0 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmfemon-1 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmfu-1.0 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmifinfo-0.06 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmifinfo-0.07 f93842608424e642687a97c836fea7c35df570d7
git tag wmifinfo-0.08 c2861235bcfa5d90f9df4d84f76325de4b42ad85
git tag wmifinfo-0.09 8d7e817de2a6e1c5a392e00159f1cdc48062adb7
git tag wmitime-0.3 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmix-3.1 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmkeys-0.1 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmmixer-1.5 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmmixer-1.6 02b63cb41c541d4e6722b579afc87027b226507b
git tag wmmixer-1.7 e3ceda0456ddbbb5187d13541740e7eac6b3cc22
git tag wmmixer-alsa-0.6 665b8f777a20b46ca68c7d5880435ddb88614937
git tag wmmon-1.0b2 b603570f4a929feaf713ecc3bd03b8bab4e6cec8
git tag wmmon-1.2b1 e2363d30fce15e8d4b0bf19a7685c7e517e4e938
git tag wmmoonclock-1.27 c3ca024d89dbf7f8910f1f0e8fbc46a4a6434812
git tag wmmoonclock-1.28 38d60e97a11c94a756fb1a5cc7a3c7304776e29c
git tag wmnet-1.06 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmnotify-1.0.0 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmpager-1.2 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmpower-0.4.3 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmppp.app-1.3.0 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmsm.app-0.2.1 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmsmixer-0.5.1 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmstickynotes-0.1 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmsupermon-1.2.2 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmtime-1.0b2 168a691c807e0096a843e418b21331f8a9bda771
git tag wmtime-1.1 2ca71dc4499a3d893b7da556de15b8a4006a0d88
git tag wmtv-0.6.5 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmtz-0.7 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmweather+-2.12 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmWeather-1.31 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmwifi-0.6 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74
git tag wmwlmon-1.0 21625f40b5f71ecd4b9832836f1a89ef3bb20b74

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