Hi guys,
I use Window Maker on Solaris 11, currently, and there are few compiling issues, I'd like to iron out. I'd like to know your opinion on how deep I should go. There is special section for Solaris Xinerama handling, either in configure script and in several places in the code. This code is for old Xsun X server used with Solaris 10 and earlier. That is no longer the case. Solaris 11 switched to Xorg 7.4 (just as what is available in any current Linux distribution). However, the configure script makes decision based on OS (and not detecting actual X server) which makes the compilation fail on Solaris 11 trying to use old Xsun bits. The fix here is simple - just remove all the Xsun bits and use the common paths for Xorg. But this will remove support for Solaris 10.
The question is, do you still want to support Solaris 10 and Xsun X server?

I can try to make it build on Solaris 10 and Solaris 11, fixing the detections and other parts. However, Xsun X server is deprecated and not developed any more by Sun (or Oracle). Solaris 10 is 14 years old, now. It does not have gcc 4.x (and never will). I can only use gcc 3.3 which means many of syntactic sugar will need to go away (or be handled by conditional compilation).
I think this work is just not feasible.

What do you think? Do you want to keep Solaris 10/Xsun support in?


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