The Writer app from LibreOffice is mismanaged by #next Wmaker (for some time now, more than a month, but definitely not three months).

That same LO installation worked fine before. It works fine in Fluxbox. LO 4.* series works fine.

What happens is LO somehow "sees" and uses some different screen estate from what really (by the WM visuals) it is allowed to use.

If LO was started unmaximised and then I maximise the window, I get max'ed wmaker window and LO using "old" geometry (screenshot 1).

If I manually resize max'ed window "down", e.g., by X, I can get LO window cut from left and some of menus not showing at all (screenshot 2).

All this is quite annoying. I didn't see anything like it for like 10 years, when Java apps mis-behaved same way (in WMaker?). The .xsession-errors shows nothing.

Could something be done? How much of WM functionality will I loose if I revert to the last WM release? I can't make the switch to LO 4.* right now.


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